I saw this and was a little taken aback by it. Looking at the comments, people were also feel similar emotions. So I want to ask the flood a question.
In this situation, where prankers are pranking people in the hood by asking them if they want to buy a gun, only to be a squirt gun, if, like shown in the last clip, these prankers were to get shot, or killed from doing these pranks, who is to blame, in your opinion?
While I know you might automatically say the prankers, but think about it, I'm going to play the devil's advocate in this situation, where the fact that this hostile mentality exists in the hood, do you think a normal, law-abiding citizen shoots somebody who offers to sell them a gun, should they not be blamed because they were simply antagonized?
They're idiots. They purposefully go into this place and do things that could put their lives in danger.