My experience with Destiny.
1) Daaang.. beautiful scenery
2) Game play is fun as hell
3) OMG, I love strikes
4) PVP kicks ass..
5) WOOT i'm level 20 and not a single boring ass drop quest! :) Nothing but action packed game play. Looks like it'll be smooth sailing from here :)
8) Woot! My first piece of epic gear!
9) whoa... wait... Wtf are Helium Filaments?
OMG.. OMFG.. are you F kidding me? I have to run around on "patrol" outside of all the action I love,
for hours while my brain withers away to collect hundreds of F'n Helium whatever the f to make use of this epic gear?
Worst material to farm... I have proper routes for relic Iron, spirit bloom and spinmetal, but helium filaments? But this weekend the first chest on the moon gave me 8 pieces of it, a blue engram and ammo synth, the 2nd shortly after had ascendent shards in it and the third gave me a mote of light.... so I got that going for me....