This is a great gun don't get me wrong but the fact that i get hate for having it is wrong... people say the bounty to hard because death slows progress but logically you are getting rewarded an exotic and they should all be this hard. The only reason people hate is because of bounty like super good advice. I could complete this bounty in a hour (on a Friday of coarse). Now to the reload speed it is rubbish. And everyone knows this (or needs to know) it would be fine if the gun held 10 bullets even 8 but 6? i don't want to buy gauntlets just too up my reload speed or boots at that because i have raid armor. now the gun its self needs an element infused into it. this is because its and exotic and no other reason and it wont be op since most thing have solar shield so if it got arc or void (void would make sense since you use that element in the bounty) it wont be op because it would only affect vex AND hive tech shoots void damage ... magical...bolt ... things... wow the grimoire cards make the hive sound cool. any way this gun overall needs a MASSIVE buff and people that get it wont let bungie off the hook until it gets one. i am sorry bungie but they are right.