My opinion, basically, is that you should remove the baby bumpers and "Turn Back!" zones and whatnot, but add a tiered loot system. Players who kill Atheon via the exploit have a higher chance of earning crap (Chatterwhite), and people who do it the right way have a better chance of winning useful stuff. And the Mythoclast would only be obtainable by killing him legit. This way, people who take the raid (way too) seriously wouldn't feel like they did more work for no reason, [i]and[/i] players who game more casually or who can't (for some reason) normally complete the raid could still get to enjoy it, and not miss out on anything. Except the Mythoclast.
One of the biggest issues is the relic. With random teleports a group needs 4 players that are comfortable using the relic in order to succeed. That or get lucky enough to have the one or two relic holders be teleported each time. Truth is that not everyone is good with the relic, or even understands how to use it properly. In a group with 6 random people this will continue to be an issue. Stop the randomness and fix the glitches please!