Yes, argue amonst the two classes.
Everyone knows who already won, now it's just a fight for 2nd place.
Anyone who doesn't think Titans aren't the most badassest badasses of BigMuscletingtownfieldville obviously hasn't seen the Willbreaker's Watch sets.
The what?
- Willbreaker set* Apparently it was just the helm called the Watch. They all look awesome, though.
Ah. I'm not looking forward to that raid because the warlock's gear looks kinda iffy.
Here's the majority for you, man. L2Google ;)
The white one? Yeah, not great compared to the others... Wait! What's this!?!?? Faith restored? lol I might have to make other classes, now.
We'll have to see how it looks on out characters haha, the bond doesn't look half bad though