originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
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So I'm usually on around the reset time for the weekly stuff, and with two (soon to be three) alts to run through stuff, it gets a little tiring to have to look for new groups every single time (that's 9+ groups for raid/nightfall/weekly heroic). So I wanted to try to get a somewhat consistent group going for these things. I can't seem to get into any of the groups that post on here. I typically miss the posting and by the time I get to it, it's been bombarded and there's no room left. tired of first come , first served stuff. Wanna just get a set group of guys together to do this stuff on the regular.
Like I said, I'm usually on around reset time for weeklies, and would love to be able to blow through them first thing in the week. That's around 3AM CST. Outside of that, I'm usually free almost anytime Thursday and Friday, and late afternoon/early evenings on weekends (5PM onward CST)
Not even one response...guess everybody already has their raid groups...