What does everyone here do? I myself am bored with Destiny. The only fun is the like .005% chance of getting something in crucible.
So far I've ranked up nearly all of my armors and maxed nearly all of my guns, my safe is 100% full of only legendaries and exotics, many of which have been fully upgraded but since we don't get the gun buffs like we were promised they are sitting their for collectors purpose?
I've done the raid 23 times and probably every strike at least 50 times and I have like 500 of every resource material.
What's left?
Edit: yes it says 20 raid activities complete but you can clearly look at my recent games and see 3 games in which the raid was started and got to Atheon and D/C'd, but not completed.
I'll count those as 90% each then.
Double Edit: After reading through the comments and thinking about all the different advice I think I'll focus on my Hunter now and then delete my second Warlock and make a Titan.
That's about it unfortunately. I just got my last raid piece to hit 30 across the board. 1 Hunter and 2 warlocks. Hunter has 6/6 exotic armor and 4/4 raid gear all maxed. Warlocks are 4/4 raid gear and like 3/6 exotic armor. I've still been raiding to collect all raid guns. Just need Corrective Measure and I will have every single piece of noteworthy raid gear. I just log in now to do night falls to try and pick off a few more exotics off the list, and there's still a few random pieces of gear to upgrade. That's kinda it for now /shrug