We need 2 more players definitely experienced and 30 if possible. We have 2 29 warlocks and 2 hunters 29 & 30. If you're down we are at the confluxes, and were also experienced in the hard mode.
Need one more player for fresh start on vog on hard 30+ message for inv
Lol doing hard with 29s is like doing normal with 25s. Except no rezing.
If anyone needs help down I have already done it but I'm bored so hit me up if u need a guy gym-DoubleDab
Got 5 30s and looking for other 30s need the gatekeeper cp on xbox one add my Gamertag Mescal Lopez ONLY 30s NO 29s
level 30 warlock invite me Gt: mrdaveg
Lvl 29 Titan GT: DaBigJabluntski I Have Aethon Checkpoint on HARD Maxed raid gear & raid guns
Add me 29 Britzor xd