originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
Lvl 29 Warlock: Looking to run a fresh raid (normal) at around 12:00pm PST. I will post it on Destiny tracker raid finder but wanted to give any dads who might be home and available to run vog a spot on fireteam. mic and experience preferred but may take a first timer depending on how rest of fireteam looks. Due to bungie update not done till 12 I will have about 2 hours and 15 minutes total to get this done. Have done it it in far less and having at least 4 members able to run the relic makes Atheon pretty easy. put your info in a comment below if you would like to go.
Hey, there is a new #recruitment forum where you can find other guardians to help you out. You should check it out! :)
[quote]Lvl 29 Warlock: Looking to run a fresh raid (normal) at around 12:00pm PST. I will post it on Destiny tracker raid finder but wanted to give any dads who might be home and available to run vog a spot on fireteam. mic and experience preferred but may take a first timer depending on how rest of fireteam looks. Due to bungie update not done till 12 I will have about 2 hours and 15 minutes total to get this done. Have done it it in far less and having at least 4 members able to run the relic makes Atheon pretty easy. put your info in a comment below if you would like to go.[/quote] Lvl 28 n half warlock I'm in FSG GREEDY
Hit me up. Very experienced. GT: Sailor Jerry 55 Lvl 30 hunter Lvl 29 warlock
Sneaky f baby Playing now raid hard atheon cp
Lvl 28 hunter Dr beardalot
NMLMJ Titan 29, warlock 28, hunter 26. May not be able to join today. But usually free on weekends and Thursday morning. So maybe msg me if you have any plan to raid, and I might be able to join in the future.
Yo man add Thy Dread I want to run it with my lvl 26 Warlock With Maxed weapons, but of time is an issue I can switch to my fully maxed lvl 30 titan
Edited by WickedZeely: 11/13/2014 5:47:15 PMI'll run with ya. 29 lock GT:WickedZeely
Gt: crucifyGENOrot Class: Hunter Lvl: 22 Not the best experience, but I need a good group to start collecting exotic and legendary pieces.
I would love to join, Ik I'm not the first choice but I've seen higher levels than me do allot worse. GT: Skully Headshot Class: Titan Lvl: 27
Edited by Edouble2369: 11/13/2014 4:29:39 PMok servers are down so obviously can't go at 9 so gonna make it 12:00pm when Bungie comes back online.