[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I've read a quote by Bungie saying that they are not "alienating" the xbox community with the DLC but what I want to know is why do we get it later. Why do [u]we[/u] have to wait longer than the ps gamers? Bungie is slowly abandoning us more and more until eventually I doubt we will even receive a destiny sequel (presuming there will be one). If a bungie employee reads this, please acknowledge that we are not idiots and we want to know [i]why[/i] we must we wait for everything longer than the Playstation community, why bungie is punishing the xbox community for the mistakes of Microsoft and why the PlayStation is being favoured over the long time fans, xbox. This is not meant as an insult to the Playstation community but we have stayed loyal to you for years and you are now abandoning us. We just want to know why.