What are the guns you really really REALLY want and don't have? I'll start off:
Red Death
Plan C
EDIT 1: Damn, everyone wants Gjallarhorn!
EDIT 2: I know that Thorn is a bounty weapon, I'm just simply stating I want it. Xûrmas is just my given name of Christmas in Destiny. It DOES NOT necessarily mean I want Xûr to sell them (though I do).
EDIT 3: Icebreaker is quite popular.
EDIT 4: Red Death is also among the masses.
Red Death first and foremost. I've been trying to get it since the game came out but circumstances have prevented me. An Insurmountable Skullfort next. Too many helmets have some wacky stuff going on, and I like how this one's kinda reminiscent of an ODST helmet. Plus it's black. Perfect for me. That aside, I really just want my Iron Banner armor. Then I could care less after that, I'll have everything I want and just play for fun.