Dark Souls
Started with morrowind on pc was about 8 or 9. Im dutch and the game was in english but i loved it so much so i bought an xbox 360 for oblivion loved that one as well and then my xbox gave me a red ring of death and i saw skyrim waa coming so i bought a ps3 for skyrim lol. So for me the elders scrolls is the best game
Ive always loved galaga. Nothing like shooting alien bugs and getting your ship back
Kerbal Space Program
Assassins Creed :3
Fallout 2 hands down
Star Wars KOTOR
Halo 2
Halo Reach. * sips hot chocolate *
Borderlands...its not a game its a phenomenon.
Final Fantasy Tactics Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy 7 Mega Man X
Difficult one so many to pick from ={
Jedi knight jedi academy
Ratchet: Deadlocked I've probably put more time into that game than any other.
Destiny. NOT. Skyrim. Definitely Skyrim.
Three-way tie between Halo 2, Battlefront 2 and Skyrim
Halo blows. FF8
The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (original SNES version) That game in every way imaginable is the greatest piece of art ever materialized and put on a 16 bit gaming cartridge. [spoiler]It's fücking good[/spoiler]
KotOR I KotOR II Mass Effect 2 Forza Motorsport 4 Star Craft 2 Borderlands 2
Obscure the Aftermath was enjoyable. I never got the chance to beat it though.
FF 7 FF 9 FF X Resident evil 2 pokemon series gba till now destiny Mass effect Gran Turismo all of them Aion Gta series Many others request if you want me to list em, these are games that made me go wow, apart from pokemon which is simply fun and my child loves the and to be homes who don't like to catch em all lol bad addiction that shit game lol.
Lunar silver star