Uncharted 3 Destiny I cant decide
Guild Wars 2.
Halo reach and MW series because people cried when all the nobles died and when Soap, Ghost, and Roach died
Okami Halo reach Spyro I'm stuck between those games. -Sh3
Halo reach
Halo 4
Halo Reach The complete Halo experience.
Battlefield modern combat. Halo Morrowind Golden eye Battlefront
Ride to hell retribution
Star Wars battlefront 1 and 2 They were the shit
Edited by JROS7 II: 1/20/2015 3:11:58 AMHalo 6 causes nwst haloz is best haloz [spoiler]SOISOISOISOISOISOISOISOI[/spoiler]
Merio 69
Monaco: What's Yours is Mine.
Xcom enemy within
Yo Mumma....best game ever
I haven't really played many non Nintendo single player games but my favorites out of the ones I have played are: Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy MW2 and the entire black ops zombie storyline were insane
Best game ever hmmmmmm. That's a hard one but when it comes to how much fun I had, I'd have to say back in the day with 007/Perfect Dark and Turok was pretty awesome to. Zelda of course, all of em.
Destiny haha
Best game is knights of old republic.
Dark Souls 1!
Edited by ZnaZanZ: 1/19/2015 7:19:56 PMHalf-Life 2, its not even a contest how am I the only one???
Battlefield 3
Kingdom Hearts!!!!!!!
Pacman, on arcade cabinet. Nothing used to bring entire small towns together like it did
I'd have to say eternal darkness for the game cube. Innovative, creepy, great story. I literally played it through 30 times.