originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
I have 3 spots open for anyone that needs the VoG on normal.
If you have never been through the raid, now is your time. I have no problem with taking first timers as long as you can hear directions. (No mic required)
Please message me on LIVE. GT: HempWrappedBus
Still looking for 1 or 2 more that need to do the raid this week or have never been in the raid.
Sorry I had to go you still on in a hour? I can do it then
I can do it now I'm fairly expire fed by videos and I may be lvl 25 but I'm highly skilled
Is there still space?
There is space. We would be doing a fresh run start to finish. If it's your first time that's 100% fine with me. Just ask questions and I will help you out to the fullest. Message me on live
If there's still space add me, level 28 Hunter
Starting one up now please message me.
Yeah I sent a message invite me when ur ready
is there still a place
Message me on live and I will get a group togqther