Let me explain and defend myself lol.
Alright so I was highly critical of the Bad Juju, and after using it for 2 minutes I placed it in my vault never to be seen again. I would have taken any gun over that. Whether it be the pea-shooter Hardlight, lackluster Multitool, and at least the thorn sounded cool. Well recently I made a hunter and put unused weapons on the character, one being the Bad Juju. Before turning in bounties I would equip it just to level it up for the future buff. Once it was almost maxed, I decided to give it another whirl. And this is when my addiction started.
[b]String of Curses + Perfect Balance = Good Juju[/b]
Now many of you probably have tried it out and dismiss my argument as just being a fanboy. But with the right usage, this gun is great. Now granted it still falls behind most exotics and requires a buff, but at its current state I have fun using it. Even if it isn't the best gun in the game.
The String of Curses upgrade makes it easy to farm with this weapon. No reloading and as long as you aim for the upper body/head you will kill quickly. Dregs you better start hiding. Against unshielded or low level enemies, this is now my gun of choice. Crowd control is easy, and with the perfect balance upgrade the recoil is easily manageable. Heck I use this gun on lvl 28 missions now and still have no problem. The only difficulty is against high level majors/ultras, especially if they have shields. String of Curses can't save you here, but that is what a special or heavy weapon is for right? The primary should be for grunt soldiers and weaker enemies/crowd control while the special is for certain circumstances and heavy for those tough bosses.
The gun is one of the most unique and cool looking in the game. I think we have established that.
And in crucible now I use the Bad Juju. Yep call me crazy. I can get the precision shots off with accuracy, and with its fast fire rate I can make quick work of enemies. Plus there is just something satisfying about killing another player with a gun they think is so bad. The Bad Juju is probably the most rare exotic in the game, only because no one ever dares to use it even in crucible. I know I have never seen it.
I will agree that the gun is in dire need of a buff. I think the clip size and impact should be increased to put it on par with that of the other exotics. I am not refuting this at all.
[b]My Conclusion:[/b]
While a buff is on the way, I have had a blast using this gun. Very entertaining and doesn't bore me like using most guns in the game do. If you are about to discredit me and rant that the gun is bad, at least try it out with the perfect balance and string of curses upgrade. But honestly, I think the gun is just misused. It isn't easy to use at all so everyone claims it is bad. But with the right aim and correct setting, it is a monster. I will take it over my hard light, suros, multitool, thorn, and red death any day when it comes to the primary weapon slot. This is a bold claim considering I was hating on the gun a week ago lol.
Hope someone enjoys it as much as I do!
Is there a TL;DR version?