IA, Ktan Dantaktee
China, Griizly Bear
Iran, Mechetti
[b]Subjugated/Conquered Nations[/b]
Egypt, TannerToast1513
New Eurasia, Vicetexin
[b]Enslaved Nations[/b]
Imperial System
Gliese System
Liberated System
Belanchoran System
Mydiallan System
Hyperius System
Goldein System
Haruvant System
Jakolypsee System
Neverant System
[b]Faction Naval Power[/b]
1st Imperial Fleet (DISMANTLED)
2nd Imperial Fleet: 70,000 Eclipse SSDs, 10,000 Executor SSDs, and 20,000 Imperial Star Destroyers.
3rd Imperial Fleet: 70,000 Eclipse SSDs; 10,000 Executor SSDs, and 20,000 Imperial Star Destroyers.
4th Imperial Fleet: 1 Dreadnaught SSD, 40,000 Eclipse SSDs, 60,000 Executor SSDs, and 135,000 Imperial Star Destroyers
Imperial System Galaxy Gun
750,000 Sith (Combat armor based upon that used by Darth Revan issued standard)
1,000,000 Storm Reapers
1,000,000,000 Elite Dark Troopers
5,000,000,000 Imperial Standard Infantry Units (Outfitted with advanced and highly impervious Scout Trooper armor)
1,000,000,000 Phase III Dark Troopers
750,000,000 Imperial Droidekas
500,000,000 Droideka Destroyers
[quote][b]Enslaved Nations[/b][/quote] O shit bitch
I thought he would list me under that lol