Xur sold Hunters and Titans both chest pieces multiple times. Hell, he sold almost every piece of armor for those two classes. But warlocks seem to get only Sunbreakers or Voidfang Vestments all the time. Why is Warlock's Heart of Praxic Fire chest piece still not available after all this time? Screw this stupid RNG bullshit.
Edit: Heh, this old thread is still going on? I've got mine weeks ago from a nightfall, but Xur is still a warlock hater :) Although he did give warlocks a chance with that exotic chest engram, not everyone was lucky. One of my buddies was one of the lucky ones, now he refuses to take it off even when he's a voidwalker, lol :)
Edit: Ok, I think we can all put this thread to rest as Xur finally decided to apologize to Warlocks and sell the HoPF. Good job, Xur/Bungie, was it what, half a year till you budged?
Dude, you guys get gauntlets, NO ONE else does!!
Edited by PAPA BUTTER21: 11/14/2014 2:35:38 PMJust got two from legendary drops last week maybe its a sign? :)
Its insane, I literally am praying for him to sell this every thursday night and friday morning. I play sunsinger and I want these. He has sold the sunbreakers and Voidfang vestments 4 times each at least! The HOPF is THE BEST warlock armor in the game! He has sold the best titan chest piece 4 times now!
All the same, would you really want it now...? It'll be obsolete in like 4 weeks :/
I got mine from my Warlock's first Nightfall this week. Praise the Sun!
I got my praxic about two weeks ago. Hang in there fellow master race locks, RNGesus will bless you with yours soon
Edited by find_me8 シ (Wally): 11/14/2014 3:37:43 PMStupid Voidfang vestments.... i knew he was gonna sell them this time. If i recall correctly, the only pieces of warlock gear he has ever sold are: -Sunbreakers (like 5x) -Voidfang vestments (3x .-.) -Apotheosis veil (i'm not completeley certain about this one, so many sunbreakers and voidfang vestments that i don'tt remember) -Light beyond Nemesis (i forgot about it and had to edit my reply) We have yet to see the Heart of the praxic fire a lot of warlocks desperately long for.
Edited by BUDDY-VA: 11/14/2014 1:45:55 PMI got the Heart of Praxic Fire from the nightfall! Yippie! *Seems a lot of people got it from the nightfall.
I got my heart of praxic fire from xur...
Edited by Boom782: 11/14/2014 2:20:14 PMI was actually happy to see Voidfang Vestments UNTIL I noticed it was +str and damn near the lowest base stat you can have. The armamentarium has a base stat of 138, Alpha Lupi 132, and Voidfang Vestments 115! WTF?!? That is fairly close to the minimum a chest piece can have. Last weeks Sunbreakers also had almost the lowest number a glove can have. Just give us a decent piece already!
I still want the Helm of the Dire Ahamkara.
+20 tears
Tbh i have the heart of praxic fire, and its "exotic upgrade" isnt even that great... But it looks so Bad ass
[quote]Xur sold Hunters and Titans both chest pieces multiple times. Hell, he sold almost every piece of armor for those two classes. But warlocks seem to get only Sunbreakers or Voidfang Vestments all the time. Why is Warlock's Heart of Praxic Fire chest piece still not available after all this time? Screw this stupid RNG bullshit.[/quote] I got praxic fire forever ago from a nightfall
I gt that armour it pretty good lol
-blam!- that noise. I need an exotic helmet to get to 30.
I got that from the nightfall last night.
Edited by cameroniscam: 11/14/2014 1:19:00 PMHe sold it already?
I NEED A HELMET TO HIT 30 >:| been waiting 4 weeks
Got it from nightfall this week :)
Every warlock item but 2 have been sold, every Titan piece except 1 has been sold, all hunter pieces have been sold except for 1. Re--blam!-ing-lax
well i cant say he likes titans anymore, 4 weeks in a row with the armamentarium... nothing changed for titans in a while, like warlocks and sunbreakers. we get no love
He sold that already right.?
The cryptarch also hates warlocks. I went ahead and bought the engram becuse I wanted a different warlock helmet. But not it turns into a hunter helmet that I don't need
Its because the game knows we are the BEST class OBVIOUSLY... :P
He is yet to sell the skull of dire ahmakra, spine of dire ahmakra, no backup plans and probably some more, just be patient.