Well... you all know what happened today.
The Last Word is officially as unexotic as Suros Regime. It's too bad, I don't think Xúr should sell Exotic weapons (it takes out the fun of getting rewarded by one).
Or at least sell it at a super high price so you actually have to save up good to afford it.
What you think?
I think exotics aren't supposed to be as exotic as you think they are.
I have had it for a while and it is a fun gun to use for sure, but most of the time I choose Suros over TLW most of the time. If you are a collector then pick it up. If you are a fanatic fir head shots then pick it up. If your style is spray and pray keep your shotgun or fusion close....you are going to need it.
You can't be happy for your friends getting a good gun? Those guys you raid with? #CommunityWTF
I didn't earn my TLW...I found it. In a chest. In the VoG. RNG boys. But congrats to you guys for getting it from xur!!! Now I can save my coins.
Got mine from nightfall this week. Glad people who have bad luck can try it now. Don't see the big problem really. But to each their own.
Why do you care how other people play the game?
It needs a certain playstyle to use it effectively. Its not the same as it was with Suros. Since 99% of people like to run with shotguns instead of a sniper, they will abandon TLW after they have tried it in couple crucible matches. Tip. It shines the brigtest in skirmish!
I think your parents bought you this game. Break it until you earn it yourself.
Yes lordy because everyone has time to farm strange coins. Xur is their so the everyman has a chance to get one. More so of the rng gods hate you. Why would you hate your strike mates getting stronger
After trying it a bit today...I have this much to say.....I have seen A LOT better handcannons than this....I honestly don't know why everyone wanted this.
The last words only good in pvp anyways I got it's exotic perk and left it alone after I got the epilogue and only use that in the raid since I have a mythoclast
From what I heard this week he isn't selling an exotic, its a legendary See [quote]The Last word officially Legendary [/quote] if you don't believe me
I don't really care. I like xur selling them because I like collecting them. I only use Gjallarhorn or IceBreaker anyways..
Edited by Ian42093: 11/14/2014 2:47:08 PMIt's been my dream gun since day 1. I'm glad he sold it. You still have to be good with it, and in about a week a lot of people will go back to Suros or other exotics anyway. I won't
Ive been having it... But ima be buying another so both accounts have one ... Dx so idk...
Edited by RAWdrigo: 11/14/2014 4:09:20 PMXur has been giving crap these past few weeks. Even if he made the price 100 coins, a lot of us would have enough coins. I have 123 unused coins. Hell I don't even play the game anymore. I get on Fridays just to check if Xur has new shit to sell.
I have been trying for so long to get that gun. I caved and bought 2 of them one for each of my characters.
Without xur I would only have thunder lord and hawkmoon
Someone call the wahhhmbulence
Whine whine whine.
I think Xur is necessary. Without him a lot of people would never have a chance to get any of these guns. The Last Word is one of 3 guns I always wanted after hearing about them, and knowing my luck I will never get as an RNG drop. I do think they should increase the price on exotic weapons though. Getting 27 coins a week is fairly simple and if you get from night fall you can easily get up to 40 a week. I myself have saved for 3 weeks and got 114 strange coins. I'm gonna buy 3 TLW's lol. Just because I can!
So by your logic the only true exotics are bounties and ps exclusive? Just because everyone can get TLW doesn't mean everyone can use it to max effectiveness. You need to to last a string of headshots from the hip to really use it right and lets be honest, all the people who bought Suros will probably go back to suros after they've tried TLW.
Exotic doesn't mean rare. People need to stop making that assumption. It's their perks and design that make them unique. There are so many of them and so many different play styles, seeing as we can only equip one at a time, others having the same as you will affect you in no way. I hate to break it to you but hundreds, maybe thousands of people probably have had it before today. You are not unique.