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11/14/2014 7:46:41 PM
I hear ya! *I jump into the cockpit of the cruiser and shove the nav-card into a slot and start firing up the engines, ignoring the automated voice* [b][i]PLEASE RUN IGNITION TEST AND RUN PRE-LAUNCH PROCEDURES[/i][/b] [i]Stupid ship doesn't understand our lives are on the line...[/i] *I activate the hanger doors directly in front of the cruiser and prepare to hit the throttle* SM! Get your ass in here, we are going [i]now[/i]!

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  • "Amen!!" *I step back into the ship and the door shuts and seals behind me. I feel the ship lift and suddenly I fly to the back of the ship and smash into the back wall as Aero initiates the thrusters.* *BAM* "OW! Thanks for the warning..." *I slowly stand to my feet and make my way to the front of the ship.* "So what's our ETA?..."

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  • Sorry, I've only flown simulators... *I turn to the display and read the sets of numbers bearing our coordinates and estimated flight time.* It's taking us through a worm hole just outside this system so it should only take around 5 hours to get to the colony.

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  • "Worm hole huh? Sounds...completely safe..." *a wave of exhaustion hits me. The stress and fatigue of the last few days seems to hit me all at once* "We should probably grab some sleep before we get there. Who knows what what we will find or how long before we are able to rest." *shuffling to the back of the ship I reach out and unfold one of the bunks from the wall.* "How about setting a warning system for when we reach the system?"

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  • Definitely a good idea... I feel like I've been thrown across space by a monster.. Ahaha... *I set a wide proximity alarm for the cruiser before setting the autopilot* Being knocked out by radiation just doesnt reenergize you like it used to. *I slump into a second cot and fall asleep immediately*

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  • *WOOT WOOT WOOT* *I jolt out of bed and fall on my face* "Ow! Damnit." *i stumble across the ship and shut off the alarm, rubbing my eyes I look out at what lay ahead of us.* "Aero! Get your ass up here man! You are gonna want to see this!" *Aero joins me. Before us lies a planet orbited by a large moon. The planet is glowing a dull orange* *i turn on the sensors and start reading the readouts* "That planet is mostly covered in molten rock, it seem the stuff is flowing out of giant cracks in the planets crust. There are a few spots that are untouched but there are no signs of life. The average atmospheric temperature is the areas that at not covered." *i widen my scan* "The colony is actually on the moon, it seems the moon has a breathable atmosphere and such. But there are no the hell are they supplied with oxygen? Aero, what do we know about this colony besides being a mining colony?"

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  • Edited by aero198: 11/16/2014 8:22:29 PM
    *I rub my eyes, still groggy* I heard about this place before I got to that hellhole of a space city... It's called I-M34R, or as the colonists call it Imear. *I stretch as I read my biometrics confirming everything was ok after my radiation poisoning* As for the oxygen problem, have you ever heard of ice? Space is full of it and like you said this is a mining colony, miners take ice they find inside the moon and in the system and extract the oxygen and hydrogen for fuel and air. Word of warning though... The air content has a much higher nitrogen content than usual so it'll be uncomfortable breathing at first. *We begin procedures for bringing the cruiser into an orbit around the moon* Other than that, I have no clue about this place. What do you think we are going to find down there besides a bunch or rocks?

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  • "I don't know what we will find. It worries me that the navigation chip had this place locked for it's next destination. Either you or Triumph pointed out that it seemed like the Plague wanted us to come here." *i look out as the ship nears the small colony* "We should land in the mining facility. Landing in the civilian area with a gore-splattered, banged up piece of shit like this might scare people." *i look at the sensor readouts* "It's strange that nobody has hailed us yet...that is procedure as soon as a ship has entered a system. Hell, now we are practically knocking at their door." *Images of Plague, corpses, blood-splattered walls...I shook my head* "Please don't be here" *The ship shakes as it descends and finally lands on the pad. I make sure my RIG is all set, check my plasma gun and clip it to my side. Aero pushed a button and the cargo doors in the back of the ship lower down. We both make our way out...*

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  • *I shift uneasily as we step onto the surface, the facility seemed to be functioning but there were no calls from the workers as there should be* I'm [i]really[/i] starting to hate the way this is looking... We should scout the area and see if we can't find anyone. *I walk back into the ship and activate a clocking module, walking back out to see only a shimmer where the ship was* Just in case... This is our base of operations and only means of leaving here, so I want it to be safe. Let's check out the main mine over there. *I point in a westerly direction to the shaft. I also holster my plasma cutter and pull out the scraps I had be holding onto and begin to structure a weapon from it as we walk*

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  • *the entire landscape is a reddish hue because of the glow from the planet and the red sun that the planet orbits* "Kinda gives everything am ominous look huh?" *we come closer to the main mining shaft. The massive drill gleams a sickly red color in the sunlight. The sound of machinery can be heard. The dull throb of mineral-compactors, generators and mechanized plasma cutters makes me uneasy* "Where the hell is everybody? Do you think they heard about the space station and evacuated? they couldn't have heard about it because the coms were one of the first things to go when the plague attacked." *AAUUGGGHHHHHHH* *a scream pierces the air* "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *both of our weapons are out instantly, we sweep them back and forth scanning the area* "Where did it come from Aero???????"

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  • *I slam the breach into my custom MOIR-14 and rest it against my shoulder* Sounded like it was down below in the shaft! You don't think that the plague really is here already? *We have already started running deeper into the mine, hoping to save who ever let out the scream* This is just great... This was supposed to be like a vacation to me... Come to the colonies they said, it'll be fun they said! Instead I'm running into God knows what in a deserted complex!

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  • "I just came because of the money. And the women." *my grin suddenly disappears as we enter into what is called the preparation room. The preparation room had RIG stations, stasis chargers, equipment closets and whatever else engineers and miners needed before going deep underground.* "Oh God..." *corpses are strewn about the room in grotesque positions. Bodies are torn limb-from-limb. The floor and walls are covered in blood. Some of the people didn't have helmets on...they had a look of pure terror on their faces.* "Aero....I highly recommend we now..."

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  • Edited by aero198: 11/17/2014 3:34:54 PM
    *I look at SM and laugh* Really now? Knowing my luck the harbinger has followed us, destroyed our ship, and is waiting right outside this facility! *My laughter becomes hoarse and I my voice grows grave* I'm going to keep going... I don't plan on dying and I don't plan on running with my tail between my legs. If you want go back to the ship and keep watch, I'll keep my comms up...

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  • Edited by Shipmaster: 11/17/2014 8:18:03 PM
    "Damnit Aero...I know I sound like a coward but....I just don't want to die. But I sure as hell am not leaving you on your own." *i turn and look at the large door the leads into the mining facility itself.* "Well we might as well keep on going forward. I am assuming you know what type of mine this is but I will refresh your memory. There is a giant drill that bores into the earth, everything that the drill goes through is sent back up to top for smelting or disposal depending on what the material is. Metals and valuable minerals are smelted into giant blocks and shipped out to be used for whatever. Useless rocks and other material is smelted down and dumped at a designated area. Humans don't usually do the mining work unless it is the mining of precious materials. The work is mostly up to machines. There are four levels: preparation, mining control, inspection and maintenance. We are on the preparation level and behind those doors is an elevator that can escort is to each level." *as I am talking we make our way through the carnage and towards the elevator door. I push the call button and the sound of cables and gears breaks the eerie silence.* "This place is no's a tomb..." *the groaning of the machinery stops and the doors slide open.* "Oh that's pleasant." *the mutilated body of an engineer is impaled on the emergency break lever. The inside of the elevator (like everything else in this facility will undoubtedly be) is covered on blood.* "All this blood didn't come from one man. I think we can pretty much mark "Plague have already f[u]u[/u]cked this place up" off of our checklist." *a white mist seams to rise up from the grating on the elevator floor* "So which level Aero? If we get to the mining control we can see if sensor grids are up. There are secondary control rooms on each level but the main one is usually better equipped."

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  • *I pull the body off the handle and lie it down outside the elevator* This mining facility is special, so there's actually a deeper level where machinery is hard to get down to. They send miners all the way down to the core of this moon and it's where the bulk of them work... If we are lucky maybe the plague haven't figured out how to get into the shaft... *I picture the carnage that is probably deep beneath my feet and shake my head. I step back into the elevator and pull a lever* Despite my better judgement, we are going to go to the control level and get a connection to those sensors. No doubt that the plague will have a large hold there so stay close and don't make rash decisions... *The lift groans as it lowers us into the mining well, feeling more and more like a metal tomb the farther it went. It screeches to a halt at the designated level and the doors open...*

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  • Edited by Shipmaster: 11/18/2014 2:38:19 AM
    "Me make rash decisions???? Hahaha, impossible." *the elevator doors start to slide open. Both of our weapons weapons are held at the ready, our fingers trembling over the triggers.* *a white mist flows in from the dark hallway beyond the doors.* "Clear. I wonder what this mist is..." "SCREEEEEEEEEEE!!!" *a horrible screech emanates from the darkness ahead of us. Infectors emerge out of the darkness and make a bee-line for us.* "Awww buddy, it's about to get real!" *We raise our weapons and cut the infectors into pieces. They shrieked in fury as our weapons decimated them. The skirmish was over only a few seconds after it began.* "That wasn't so bad" *i walk up to one of the corpses and pull a blade from the arm. I strap the blade to my plasma cutter, it extended about 6 inches in front of the weapon.* "Never know, it might come in handy." *more screeches and shriek emanate from the dark corridors in front of us. I spot a supply room off to the side.* "We should probably see what's in there before moving on." *Aero gives me a nod a positions himself beside the door* "Open the door on three. One. Two. Three!!" * my weapon is aimed at the door as it slides open. A tangled pile of corpses falls out of the room* "Shit!" *i jump back. The bodies were civilians. Their faces were contorted into expressions of complete terror. Voiceless screams seemed to echo in the room and spill out into the hallway.* *i look at the ceiling of the room. The air vent was smashed from inside the ventilation shaft.* "The poor bastards must have tried too lock themselves in there not realizing this things don't need doors...." *i notice something on one of the shelves* "Hello, what do we have here?" *i walk towards the shelves and pick up the blood-stained object.* "It's a plasma saw!!" *i push a button and the tool roars to life.* "Now THIS is what I am talking about!" [spoiler]it is basically a chainsaw used to cut rock. It is in the Dead Space movie. Yes....there is a movie [/spoiler] *armed with my new weapon and both of us stocked with ammo and medical supplies, we prepare to face the terrors that await us in the dark corridors of the mining facility...* *we set off at a hurried pace down the main corridor headed for the control room. I hear a sickly sound behind me, one that has become all to famililar: the sound of bloodied flesh against metal.* "They are behind us!!!!!"...

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  • [spoiler]Totally know it, I love dead space[/spoiler] One second, can't let your weapons be better than mine ha ha! *I crouch down and pull my plasma cutter from its holster and fire a round to slice off the fore-grip of the MOIR-14. I then seal the cutter in its place with an epoxy. I lift the newly modified weapon testing its weight* Alright let's get going... *I take point, leading us down the dark hallway towards the control room. The door comes into sight and we start moving towards it when two eviscerators crash through a vent behind us* Shit! Hope that saw of yours can cut through these sucker's skin. *I fire a few rounds of the rail gun into the bigger of the two's leg, crippling its knee and causing it to crash to the ground* Look out! The other one is on the move!

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  • "Part 1" [spoiler]there you go Triumph. Idk how you will join us, get creative.[/spoiler] "Aaaawwww yeeeeeaaaaaaaaa" *i rev the saw and with a yell run towards the downed eviscator. It lashes out at me with one of its blades. I dodge to the left and duck. I hear the blade whistle past. I swing around and bring the saw up in an arc as I swing. The saw blade meets flesh as it carves through flesh, metal and bone. The eviscator screams, an unearthly sound that makes your skin crawl, as it's arm goes flying down the hallway. Without a pause I take a step forward and bring the saw down on the eviscators left shoulder. The saw chops through the armor as if it was paper. I step around the eviscator and swing the saw back up through the right shoulder. The middle portion of the eviscator falls to the ground, it had been cut into the shape of a ragged "V."* "Hahaha, die you bastard!!! The next one is all yours Aero!"

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  • [spoiler]yessssss! Figure out a way!!!![/spoiler] Already on it! *I take a knee and fire plasma cutter rounds into the second eviscerator's face,rendering its eyesight useless* Eat some rail gun you bastard! *I drive three shots into the center mass of the flailing mass charging towards me dodging out of the way as an blade sails right past my leg. As I roll I blast the eviscerator with a kinesis blast slowing it to a standstill* Your still going eh? Let's see if you can stop hitting yourself... *I focus on one of its arm blades and tear it off with the will of my telekinetic powers and begin slashing at the previous owners body. Blood slowly flies out of it, still under the hold of kinesis, chunks of meat fall slowly and I know that it is finally dead* Alright Ship let's get into that control room before more of these bastards show up.

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  • Edited by Shipmaster: 11/19/2014 2:20:21 PM
    "You don't need to tell me twice to get out of here." *we set of running again down the corridor.* "I see the control room entrance up ahead!" *We slow to a stop in front of the door* "Damn. Somebody locked it from the inside!" *I take out my plasma cutter* "There should be a junction behind the wall somewhere that when cut will disable the lock. Where is it!! Found it!" *i stand back, point the plasma cutter and fire. A shower of sparks erupts from the point of contact* *Whoosh* *the door opens revealing the inside of the control room. I take out my saw* "I will go first." *Cautiously we make our way into the control room. The red emergency lights cast an eerie glow in the room. I look around* "I only see 5 bodies. It takes at least 20-25 people to run this place at all times. Where the hell are they?" *A large panel in the middle of the room catches my eye* "There is the control panel." *We carefully make our way to the panel* "Alright Aero, why don't you do the honors? I will watch your back."

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  • *sighs* Better hope it's not damaged or encrypted, it's not like I'm an engineer here. *I run over to the main control panel and start scanning the screens for the data stream for the systems of the facility* Of course there's blood splattered all over the screens too... *I find a status report of the mine for 10 hours ago stating a disturbance in the core shaft after discovering organic material in the rock followed by a series of flatlined rigs after the decision to move it into a biplane was made. No further reports were made but the alarms for all levels were set off shortly after* Looks like this infection only started a few hours ago SM... They found something in the core shaft, I wonder if it wa- *Im cut off by the screeches of infected echoing through the floor* Please tell me that door can still close... Or your gonna have to fight them off while I find the data I need... *I turn back to the console to scan more for information of possible survivors or any clear areas in the mine. I also start setting up a connection to the system with my rig just in case we have to bail the room before I could finish* At the very least I need 5 minutes!

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  • "Well considering the fact that I blew up the lock....I am going to have to hold them off." *i start to head towards the door when I thought hits me* "Wait, there should be an emergency lockdown system! It does more than lock the door, it seals it airtight. It is in case dangerous gases escape the core and drift up towards the surface. I know it sounds kinda dumb but an entire mining colony was killed because of core gases." *i dash back to the control panel beside Aero* "Let's see....go in here.....find emergency...aaannndddd BAM!" *[b][i]Emergency procedures initiated. Lockdown commencing[/i][/b] *the doors all shut and seal* "Ok that should hold them. The only problem is now we are sealed in here...we will have to cut our way out. So get whatever you need now because I don't think we will be coming back." *BOOM* *the sounds of Plague scraping and whacking the doors in a mad rush to get in fills the room* "Don't worry. Those doors will hold. Anything on the sensors?"

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  • Not much that we didn't already know.. They already initiated the lockdown sequence on the maintenance level and all the rigs that were monitored her are either flatlined or disconnected from the system. *I shift through some more data, the banging on the door getting more insistent* It also appears there was a system of energy rails that could serve as a way to move around the mines quickly. They were mainly used for materials and minerals but it could also accommodate 3 or 4 people too. *The door groans under the pressure of a large body slamming against it* Say, did you think of how we were going to get out of here [i]and[/i] through the infected? Because we have all we need and now we are trapped...

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  • "I didn't think that far ahead. Do or die ya know?" *a large bang comes from the door. The start of a dent can be seen* "Ok, I think we should head deeper into the mine and see if we can figure out where the hell the Plague came from. This all started when they mined some sort of organic material, but they did not necessarily specify what it was. I say we find out for ourselves. What do you think?"

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  • Better than nothing! *A blade strikes through the door* I also get a feeling we are about to be over run by a sledgehammer and another eviscerator, not to mention whatever number of infected they have with them judging by that blade and dent. *the door suddenly falls inward revealing my fears to be true* Well, here we go! [spoiler]I was so relieved that this wasn't a post on my thread xP[/spoiler]

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  • "Time to make a daring exit!" *we dash across the room towards another door. I take out my plasma saw and rev it up* "This might take a second!" *i plunge the saw into the door and start cutting. The door cuts like butter, quickly giving way to the saw* "Alright we are through!" *we jump through the hole in the door and make a mad dash for the elevator* "We will have to take this down to the bottom level in order to get to the mine shaft. On a mine this big we might want to hitch a ride on those mine carts you mentioned" *we come to a stop in front of the elevator. I push the call button and the creaking and moaning of the gears and cables fills the air* "Well...if they didn't know where we before, they know now." *the elevator comes to a stop and the doors slide open. The white mist lays in a fine layer over the floor of the elevator, rising up in wisps* "I don't know about you, but that stuff creeps me out. I have never seen that in a mine before." *we step into the elevator and Aero pushes the button for the lowest level. The elevator creaks to a start and drops us down into the darkness...and whatever lay beyond*

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