Anybody one play in Nightfall or VOG Post your information or you PSN Name
I would be able to play the vault of glass normal anytime in the next 24 hours and i have a 29 Hunter i would like to play on U_mb_r_a psn name
Add me for strikes anytime. Commander_Turnip on most nights 8 or 9 til late (GMT)
Edited by Flipshock: 11/15/2014 7:45:48 PMlooking todo VoG normal i can play either a 28 titian, 28 warlock, or 30 hunter plz invite psn- The_Flipshock
I'm a level 29 warlock add my psn= jamestovil for raids
Ps4 daily lvl 28
Currently only lvl 25 but would like to get in on some raid or strike action. PSN Mattron80
We need 4 more people. add me SerialAlGore
Need 3 level 30s to beat atheon on hard Add me @Graysonprez
[quote]Anybody one play in Nightfall or VOG Post your information or you PSN Name[/quote] Fresh normal vog psn:juga2316
lfg vog normal psn dabombkush420
Psn. tx skipper
I'm at the Gate Keeper Cp on Normal. I'm level 26 titan with Exp. Already Finish my main and my other alt. Need a Team.
Vog normal atheon ready now
VOG Atheon checkpoint on normal PSN: Joker_Klown666
fresh normal vog Pik_Nic_
Edited by Solar rift: 11/15/2014 6:05:14 PMDoing vault normal my psn S0LAR_R1FT01 gatekeeper 4 spaces PS4
LVL 29 Titan Atheon Checkpoint Normal (PS4) and I want to get it done today I have a mic and my psn is Rizan-Doom Also interested in doing the Weekly Nightfall.
28 warlock looking for fresh ps4 normal raid. Psn:carm777
Hard raid gatekeeper cp 29+
Edited by elmatizV2: 11/15/2014 5:58:14 PMwarlock lvl 28 full max weapons..... add me pls ps4 psn: elmatizv2 english or spanish
I have a vog atheon checkpoint on normal would like to get this done quickly add me on psn benjhughes
Level 29 Warlock looking for Atheon checkpoint, got mic, PSN magma_dude16
Level 28 Titan looking for VoG group add PsN JTBassPlayer
Edited by DogDead: 11/15/2014 3:09:18 PMCell_My_Soul - 29 Hunter, 29 Titan, 29 Warlock (Need that Raid Gear! lol) Add me for raids, I've done a few, but not enough lol (PS4)
Add me. Psn. Infuzedx