Anybody one play in Nightfall or VOG Post your information or you PSN Name
Add me. Psn. Infuzedx
looking for 1 lvl 30 for antheon hard
level 26 warlock LF VoG raid - psn ajones87
30 titan looking for raid! Ps4 id: vjeria
Level 29 Titan, fully upgraded weapons and armour, looking for fresh run on VOG normal and weekly nightfall strikes. Never raided before. Have mic and can follow directions, PSN - BsW93
Xyor strike anybody?
Level 28 Titan with vision of confluence and icebreaker looking for weekly heroic, nightfall, or fresh VoG add PSN JTBassPlayer.
Zeg_maar_robin / warlock 24 , hunter 28
Ps4 Vault of Glass. We already have 4 people lvls 30,29,28,24
Psn: Clunsh Lvl 28 hunter Raid
27 TItan and 26 or 27 warlock here. I just need some shards to push me up to 28 and then hopefully 29... PSN: SolidSystem
Level 28 Titan with vision of confluence and icebreaker looking for weekly heroic, nightfall, or fresh VoG add PSN JTBassPlayer.
Doc_Fish1379 27 Warlock 23 Hunter
Level 28 warlock, looking for fresh VoG, first time. Have Mic, follows directions. Add Tigershard
lvl 29 titan looking for raid Sirius_Jones add me
lvl 28 hunter (2) willing to do VOG (normal or hard) and all the weekly/daily's. Send invite if interested to PSN: Hayzeuscristo
Level 28 Titan with vision of confluence and icebreaker looking for weekly heroic, nightfall, or VoG add PSN JTBassPlayer.
lv 28 titan looking for vog fresh start have max out weapons and previous experience
Edited by TopShottaKidd94: 11/15/2014 4:08:07 PM
Started a new topic: TopShottakidd94
Hunter-29 Warlock-30 Titan-30 PSN=CANTONMENT_FL I have every raid weapon maxed out and I know ALL ASPECTS of the VOG and is seeking well equipped and like minded gamers Please competent players and serious gamers ONLY please add me on PS4=CANTONMENT_FL or reply with your PSN name Have maxed out RAID WEAPONS and know all aspects of the raid I'm forming this group in hopes to find 5 gamers that's on my level of experience and dedication to having fun but succeeding at this game! Please serious gamers only please NO WINDOW LICKERS!!!!!
Lever 27 Hunter, LFG VoG, Fresh - tripltretbret
Edited by Solar rift: 11/15/2014 3:49:39 PMDoing vault normal my psn S0LAR_R1FT01 gatekeeper 5 spaces PS4 STARTING AT 5:00 English time
Gatekeeper cp hard mode need 5 high level
Level 27 Titan looking to do the VoG add PSN JTBassPlayer
looking for weekly, nightfall or VoG lv 26 titan plateaued for the lack of shards or enough people to run a raid for better gear
For nightfall add O_M_E_G_Ax