Anybody one play in Nightfall or VOG Post your information or you PSN Name
For nightfall add O_M_E_G_Ax
Need help to start raids, PSN name is WildF1r3. Add me please.
27 titan/striker both classes skills maxed, just need ascendant shards to upgrade the gear to 28/29 ps4 Furbeet
Ps4 jssalazar00 hard raid atheon cp
Lvl 27 warlock LFG , raid/strike whatever.
CyborgShadow Level 29 Warlock Level 29 Titan Normal mode VOG, looking for more RAID armor and weapons
Looking to create a group 28-30 hard mode vog Only to collect shards. So all the 28 who cant get a group and want to et some shards and get the exotic chest loots. Add me ShadyXO and join fireteam. Just need 1 more
Looking for help running my lvl 26 Titan through VOG and Nightfall. If you're free add me I have experience but I've already ran my lvl 28 Warlock through. PSN: gabeast478
Add Zz-_-nyce-_-zz for VOG normal
Lvl 27 Titan, normal VOG first time Botolo1
Hotmuffins22 Level 28 Titan Normal mode VOG, first time doing raid
Looking for group heoric strike weekly. Add andrej_laziale on ps4
LFG weekly strike level 26 6 strange coins Add andrej_laziale
Edited by ceezyszn: 11/15/2014 11:49:09 AM
Hunter lvl 25 psn - frankycheeses add me.
Hard raid, I can solo open the vault and give you first chest have to be good 29s 30s only add me PSN BirdyDJ
Need some raid partners will do nightfall or heroic I'm lvl 28 and a hunter profile: mememan420
Atheon cp hard join me?
Hard raid, I can solo open the vault and give you first chest have to be good 29s 30s only add me PSN BirdyDJ
Edited by O_M_E_G_Ax: 11/15/2014 10:28:53 AMNightfall?
Lvl 29 hunter looking to do nightfall sn same as above
Edited by dan6464: 11/15/2014 11:29:45 AM
Edited by AmirW19: 11/15/2014 11:51:53 AMLooking to do the VoG on normal fresh run looking for 1 person would love if your experienced but it dosent matter just be lvl 27+ plz MSG me or add me PSN:AmirW19 FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL
Lvl 29 looking for vog raid party normal
Looking for people to do VoG hard now lvl 29 or 30 anyone welcome till lobby is full name is gamertag cheers