Anybody one play in Nightfall or VOG Post your information or you PSN Name
Looking for people to do VoG hard now lvl 29 or 30 anyone welcome till lobby is full name is gamertag cheers
Lv 28 Warlock. Add: SugaBagaDik05
29 titan add at O_M_E_G_Ax
Count me in : jesseinink
Warlock Lvl 27 experienced lf VoG fireteam
Need help on a norm fresh run 28 or 29 plz send your class and lvl in a message tag: able-13
I'm down to help in anything 27 hunter lean_king13 need daily n bounties or can participate in vog
Atheon normal need 3
need2 30's for vog hard on aetheon
Need 5 for normal raid ps4
Lvl 21 Titan looking to do weekly strikes. I'm on after 10pm Monday - Friday and random times on weekend.
27 Warlock add MajnunX
Edited by ITSs_NaHFINK: 11/15/2014 8:11:32 AMyo anyone keen hit me up itss_nahfink
VOG normal mode, add me: flyknitjimbels looking for 2 more
Level 28 titan, Vault weapons close to maxed out including the Atheon's assault rifle to slice the oracles. Looking for experienced players that did it at least once as I'm a bit time constrained (max 2hrs, starting in 45 min)
Edited by Feed, the Hungry Spaceman: 11/15/2014 7:27:17 AM2 experienced lvl 29 (hunter, warlock) LF normal VOG, fresh run, Have fully upgraded gHorn and icebreaker msg feedthehunger update: found grp thnx
26 titan looking for VoG on normal PSN dvskilljoy
Edited by bundy1417: 11/15/2014 6:39:39 AM
Started a new topic: VoG need 4 for normal -ps4(1 Reply)
Will play raid or nightfall. Level 27 hunter. Completed raid bunch of times already.
Add me Lev 26 hunter crouchingtiger24 for vog or weekly
Need 2 for normal atheon cp. Add:moosapoluza
vog: norma lv 26. gate keeper checkpoint. need 2 people psn: Goose_on_Drugs
Level 28 Titan. Looking for experienced players for normal VoG run under 2 hours. add me: UndeadFishy
Looking for one more to join for atheon checkpoint on 26 post gtag and lvl
raid playa11373
xXDevilsAdvocate add me for normalv raid