They'd have to instance public areas which would be a lot more data to process and push.
Exactly. Then they'll have to matchmake with only players who have exactly as much progress into the game state as you do. That or they just do what games like Dragons Dogma do. Have a post game state whose instances are only for players who completed the story.
Public areas already exist in instances. Did you think that there are no more than 5 people in the Mothyards at any given time?
Aren't public areas just like the tower with a 16 player cap?
Precisely. But we don't need more than 16 players.
Well brother I do believe they have the customer base and money to deal with that
With no monthly fee and tons of constant maintenance, I'm not sure just how big the budget is for this sort of thing.
Tho I don't think the last Gen systems could cope either way