Going to someone's profile and seeing Auto Rifles be their weapon of choice in PvE makes me sad. Either they haven't seen the light of Scout Rifles or Hand Cannons. Or they are just really bad at this game, or at least just not good at FPS on Console (Sticks are hard man). I get it in PvP. It's easier. They move faster. It's hard to hit them. You have to be better at the game to excel with scouts and hand cannons. Auto Rifles are inherently easy to use. Am I the only one that gets mad at my raid mates when they are using an auto rifle? (Aside from Atheons to burn Minotaur shields, but ONLY for that reason). Especially when it comes to hobgoblins. Nothing pisses me off more than when I'm lining up a 0HKO shot with a handcannon on a hob and my idiot partner shoots him with a auto and puts him into status at 3/4 health. Fact is ARs just don't kill things fast enough. I can kill 12 goblins with my handcannon in one clip, in as short of time as it takes me to shoot those 12 shots. How many can you kill with your AR? :D
I completely agree. I suck with ARs compared to my hand cannons. You're 100% correct with the hobgoblins too. I hate that.