Honestly I'm fed up with people crying nerf when a gun excels in pvp.
I'm fed up with people complaining that their "achievement" of acquiring a weapon through RNG is dulled because now everyone has one.
I'm fed up with people bantering trade, a necessary part of an mmorpg, because they're afraid of some gold farmer selling a weapon to someone (because they don't want to face someone with the same gun)
Destiny is an mmorpg. And if my destiny is to save the galaxy with my friends. I want my friends to be at the same level as me. I want us to be able to take on crazy bosses without worry because we helped each other gear up. This game runs off of RNG which would be fine if I could give my friends something I don't need and get what I've been searching for if they come across an extra. Frankly THERE IS NO ECONOMY in this game so how could fear of a gold farmer be a valid excuse. They would have to search for google hours just like anyone else would. And it's not my problem, nor my concern if some kid wants to spend real money on pixels.
If people are complaining about needing skill in the crucible why not have seperate weapons. The crucible is destiny's competitive sport no? Why not have the crucible issue it's own balanced weapons to players in a load out screen so NO ONE can cry OP. It would stop the nerfs. And players can finally realize that with a better geared community we can face more intense situations.
If I could trade with a couple of my friends (who have had TERRIBLE luck with RNG) then we could all raid together and searching for a party wouldn't be a problem. So many people have /filled up/ vaults because there is literally nothing they can do with their excess spoils. And even more players are stuck struggling to find anything at all that a player with more luck could just give them to help them along their way.
You could even go a step further and have more crucible exclusive gear available to players who earn rank in crucible so that they stay satisfied too. Then they have something to work for. Everyone who plays for the love of pve can go unbothered and EVERYONE is happy.
Someone. Please. Tell me a flaw in this plan and I swear if I hear the phrase gold farmer... I'm going to be seriously peeved. I would say have more faith in your community but none of you seem to know dreg about mmorpgs.
Ps: if you say trade ruins an mmorpg, please tell me which one. Because I've played A LOT of them. And I can't really think of one that DIDNT have some sort of trade
My counter Arguement for the above: WoW the undeniable most successful mmorpg of all time period not only utilizes trade to it's fullest but has an economy comparable to a real life country. And if someone says trade ruined THAT there is something wrong with you.
Trading is a basic part of overall human civilization. It is what brought us into the world we know now. And if you kids could learn how to run an economy in game. You have no idea how valuable a skill that is in real life.
D20 uses Phoenix down