What are your thoughts on the pocket infinity?
Please keep this alive I want Bungie to see this
I have the same issue with it that I do Bad Juju. It needs just a little bit more to be on par with legendaries and maybe a little more to feel exotic. I can totally understand the 8 burst auto death laser being OP. But as it is now, I can kill things faster with my legendary fusion rifles. It does make the annoying fusion rifle bounty slightly less annoying. As it seems to count all three shots as one burst and furthermore, it seems to count each pair of enemies killed as one point towards completion. In the spawn point outside the map room, I've gotten four points toward the bounty with one magazine. Bad Juju on the other hand, is highly situational and next to my A1FX19 or Shadow Price, needs a lot of work. With it nearly maxed out, it seems to work nicely for patrols and dailies. But still, it's not as good as my legendary vanguard guns in most situations. Though, I've been wondering about some of these exotics. Like the last word, some seem clearly intended for pvp. They're burst-damagey or gimmicky in short runs or against weak enemies. They don't seem to have a real place in solid PVE applications. If that was Bungie's intent, I kind of which they had made a clear distinction between PVE and PVP gear.