*Thread is in response to XBoxdotcom's thread*
Our society should transcend the need to respect religious beliefs when forming norms and paradigms. Religious views mean nothing and should not be taken into consideration when something such as a school year is being planned or an event is taking place.
If you agree, comment
If you don't agree, tell me why.
Edit: For those that don't agree, think about it this way
"The only way to please everyone, is to please no one"
You're a raging atheist lol.
Totally agree if you think about it every religion really is -blam!-ing bullshit
Bump because I am bored
Fine so cats
I agree. Religion has done nothing good for us for almost 2000 years.
Intolerance is the key to tolerance.
And this is why I never go to church or talk of religion. [i]ever[/i].
*Grabs popcorn*.
I do agree, when deciding things in the world it should be based on reason and logic, because basing something off of religious ideology is effectively asking everyone else to respect the fact that someone believes something without evidence. But that is what it is about, it's about 'faith' is the most common catchphrase. But if a guy was running around telling everyone to prepare a space armada to fight martians but had no proof, most sane people would ignore him. Until he could adequately prove his belief as fact he would rightly be ignored. But the religious respect concept asks us to do precisely the opposite, applied to the above it would be like building a space armada based purely on that persons belief, which would be ridiculous. Yet this is what religious people ask. Not to mention religious people have persecuted and murdered people throughout history, yet they demand that everyone respect their beliefs when very few religious people have done so. They should just be grateful that the people of the world don't do unto them what they did unto the so called unbelievers. The irony of all this is I am not an atheist, but I also know expecting people to change their behaviours based upon my belief is extremely arrogant. I have spent a good portion of my life meditating and contemplating on various aspects of creation, which has lead me to my own beliefs. But the biggest threat to my own beliefs is any sort of religious resurgence which could see people persecuted and murdered because they refuse to believe a dogma, I would go so far as saying the biggest threat to freedom of thought and belief is religion. The other irony is that I worked hard to determine my own beliefs and yet I am supposed to work around the beliefs of someone who all they did was read a book. I follow my beliefs but pigs will fly before I ever expect anyone else to change their behaviour over my faith. Yes, I realise many never even read their religious text but was fooled or brainwashed by their parents, to those people I feel pity, no thoughts are harder to deprogram then those repetitiously imbedded by a religious upbringing. Also anyone notice that science has produced more miracles then all religion combined, they just don't generally call them miracles because they can actually explain how they work. But you take modern tech back 2000 years and it would be called magic and miracles. Yes, I don't like religion, yes, I believe in a divine creating intelligence, but I in no way see science as being in opposition to faith and if science actually opposed my belief then I would be wrong and would be required to revise my belief structure in accordance to the new knowledge. How many times you hear a believer say that. Peace P.S. I in no way condone violence towards others. Whether it is based upon their religious or ideological viewpoints or not. We should treat each other with respect and tolerance, as each individual should be valued and cherished as a human being. While I am required to respect the individual, it is important to note that 'ideas do not make the person, the person makes the ideas' and thus ideas do not require the same respect as the individual, as they are seperate things. Remember we all have free will, so nothing I have said is a command, it is simply an idea free to be spurned, ignored or contemplated as you see fit.
I really don't give a damn about it. I'm a Christian, if society wants to reduce my religion to ruble, they'll burn in hell, not me
Or, [b]OR[/b] we could all let each other have our own beliefs in this world rather than try to take away their [u]happiness[/u] with their beliefs and morals all because you believe it is a "sick, diluted fantasy." Seriously, why do people really care what you believe in? It's not their lives...
Separation of church and state
First off, why do you believe this?
I will take your atheism religious view into consideration
Edited by Pheonix: 11/16/2014 5:55:13 PMI'm cool as long as we don't start enforcing a double standard. If there's a Christian club allowed at school, then I should be able to create a Satanism club.
How religion and shit should really play out >Oh you're X religion that's cool.
Edited by DogChamp: 11/16/2014 6:23:16 PMWe need to be respectful. Would you like to also say this about traditions? Ok so lets say no one likes religion or traditions. World is boring, we are all just playing holo chess until we die, and we know when we die there is no afterlife, so we fear death and try to live forever. No one can find a cure so out of panic we all revolt and overthrow the government and decide to create a religion to comfort us. Why is religion bad? I do not know how it could be bad. There are just some people who are bad, not the religion. Today society is suppose to accept people's beliefs and skin color, and nationality, and culture. To stop tolerating religion is to cause mayhem and destruction, and to form no terrorist groups, also it would be promoting racism. Here is an example of how respect for religion is. I have friends who do not believe in God. That does not bother me because they are not jerks about me believing in God, and an afterlife. Can't we all just accept beliefs? I know this is a very controversial thig to talk about now, and that shows how intolerant some of today's people are. Just let everyone believe what they want. Another example: you wouldn't tell a 5 year who believes in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth fairy that they are not real, would you? I wouldn't! You may say: "oh but their Parents will tell then eventually!" That may be true but the parents would be mad at you, and you would make the 5 year old cry. Please be accepting, and be open minded, and understand that discrimination is not tolerated.
I say Merry Christmas You might not like it just respect the fact that we live in a society with alot of different religions. I also understand the fact no everyone is religious put that under consideration as well.
Ah I say respect others opinions. I don't think the whole world should cater to any one persons believes. But don't but them in a situation where you're forcing them to break their faith or suffer punishment.
Denied. Religion should be taught just like History and Science, theres no harm if it is.. you don't havto be a "believer" but since Western Society heavily based off a Christian society, people should be given that knowledge
We just need to down the Islamic religion and we the world would probably be better
Or we can just kill them all.
I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your ideas are not new, and have been failing for a couple of hundred years now. The time is coming, and soon, when this secular humanist view of things will come crashing down. With that crash will be the collapse of modern Western civilization. Your views are in line with postmodernism and those who study things like morality and philosophy have relegated it to a short-lived phenomenon. In case you were interested, your views are one of the reasons that ISIS has been so successful in recruiting Europeans. "Science" as you apparently see it does not provide the fundamental need for hope. Furthermore, it smacks of 20th century communism. Which failed BTW.
"Hurr it's Freedom FROM Religion, not Freedom OF Religion Durr!" These group of people piss me off more than the deranged fundamentalists. So you're going to tell me it's perfectly acceptable that if a child wishes to have a day off for their religious beliefs, their grades must suffer and should be punished because the people who made up the schedule believe that his beliefs are a fairy tale? That's discrimination based on religious views, and therefore unconstitutional. Try again. I'm sorry to burst the bubble of these opposing side radicals, but Religion will never be pushed to the end where they have to meet up in the woods at random (Because they want to outlaw it wherever there's a breathing non-religous person walking) and practice their beliefs under a full moon so you can scream and yell "See?! They really are witch doctors who believe in dark magic and practice sorcery under the full moon!" 2/10 made me reply, apply yourself I'm not even religious.
Yes, YES, YES!! Thank you!