*Thread is in response to XBoxdotcom's thread*
Our society should transcend the need to respect religious beliefs when forming norms and paradigms. Religious views mean nothing and should not be taken into consideration when something such as a school year is being planned or an event is taking place.
If you agree, comment
If you don't agree, tell me why.
Edit: For those that don't agree, think about it this way
"The only way to please everyone, is to please no one"
I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your ideas are not new, and have been failing for a couple of hundred years now. The time is coming, and soon, when this secular humanist view of things will come crashing down. With that crash will be the collapse of modern Western civilization. Your views are in line with postmodernism and those who study things like morality and philosophy have relegated it to a short-lived phenomenon. In case you were interested, your views are one of the reasons that ISIS has been so successful in recruiting Europeans. "Science" as you apparently see it does not provide the fundamental need for hope. Furthermore, it smacks of 20th century communism. Which failed BTW.