yes, [i]you[/i], the [i]level 30[/i]. i have been 30 for about a month now so i'm speaking from a lot of experience when i say this:
i think all the elitism is bullshit. i have no problem raiding with 29s, the people who can't stand 29s are just shitty players with no coordination or sense of teamwork. a team of 30s can go through the entire raid without much coordination, as they can all pretty much do their own thing and still be fine. this only encourages poor cooperation, where as having 29s in the team kind of forces you to work together more. while that may seem bad, having teamwork qualities like that are way more valuable than being level 30
the raid is still quite easy with 29s if you 1) are actually as good as you think you are 2) have good coordination and teamwork
EDIT: since some of you are hyper sensitive, i guess i will make the obvious statement that not all 30's act like this. congrats if you don't, however there are still too many that do
I'm a level 29 and could be lvl 30, but I think the raid chest looks like crap, so I Use my heart of the praxic fire.