No. Absolutely not.
In fact even strikes should not have matchmaking. If I want to solo the strikes, I should be able to. If I don't, I can find my own fireteam. Randoms through matchmaking are almost always useless. Imagine if you brought that to the raid... People AFKing or quitting or just being generally worthless... They need to get rid of matchmaking altogether for PvE. The only place for RANKED matchmaking is PvP.
What's wrong with options? I don't know about you.. But I can't remember the last time I didn't complete a tiger strike with randoms.. They aren't hard.. What do you have against people at least trying out content they paid for? Who cares if they never beat it? Should at least try if they want
That's perfectly fine for a single player game. Those people should be all for no matchmaking. But I'm not here to help them and entertain them. They should be able to play, absolutely. But not at my expense. The problem with options is that increases server load unnecessarily. It also distracts devs from fixing real problems.
Why would you have matchmaking in a single player game? And I'm sorry.. But others playing increases server load for you? And you expect anyone to give 2 s**ts about that? You could still put your own group together and never use the matchmaking, like you do now..
That just means you want the option to solo or to matchmake, thats this games problem there arent many options to do anything the right way