OH PLS STOP BEING A SISSY, This shows the nature of NOT ALL BUT SOME XBOX Fanboys, Exclusives are Exclusives meaning In destiny, Sony wants you to by the game for their console, they cant force the consumers so they came up with this know as exclusives which is a benefit to ps players for some [u]TIME[/u] . same as for COD, sunset Overdrive etc. Did ps players bitched for cod for time Exclusivity or Halo being not there for sony ? NO. its Xbox fault that they missed destiny exclusive. For me i have both cod(Xbox) and Destiny(Ps4). i dont want the exclusives to stop, I do want ps to get more more more!!!! ( ya come at me). Destiny exclusive crap can stop when Cod stops theirs.
P.S Reason for saying NOT all but some xbone users is some xbox players do agree on this cod and destiny exclusive thing
The first step in acceptance is denial.
i would agree accept cod exclusives are for a month destinys are for a year thats bs
True, thats what you feel like as other players as a month is just a few days for getting DLC on on ps and i respect that but thats not how the entire community feels
still a bad move on bungies part as the game is so lacking in content most of the community probably wont even last a year
A couple strikes and guns can't make up for that. If the game doesn't last a year it's because of lack of content in general. Get mad at Bungie and Activision for releasing a half finished game with a fraction of a story line. Not about a handful of strikes that have no real part in the story.