^Thank you for choosing this thread to find your raid group. If by chance you don't have any luck here, try the website above.
This thread is for anyone looking to run a normal or hard raid on the 360.
GT ghostofnickcage.
Clan TheGrayGuardians
Titan level 32
Warlock level 32
Hunter level 32
Thanks for all of the post and don't forget, "Show them the meaning of Christmas guardians."
HaRd crota cp. Msg for inv
34 warlock hosting HARD CROTA fresh. Msg on xbox for an invite!
Looking for three, VoG hard. No level required. Relic user needed. Message gamertag above for invite.
Need two for nightfall message gt above for inv
Need people for hard crota CP at crota Also needing a titan Message Takahashi NK on Xbox 360 for invite :)
Night fall. Message Pookie 92
Looking for team on skolas with max weapons and mic
[quote]^Thank you for choosing this thread to find your raid group. If by chance you don't have any luck here, try the website above. This thread is for anyone looking to run a normal or hard raid on the 360. GT ghostofnickcage. Clan TheGrayGuardians Titan level 32 Warlock level 32 Hunter level 32 Thanks for all of the post and don't forget, "Show them the meaning of Christmas guardians." IF YOU HATE AIM ASSIST AND THINK IT SHOULD BE TAKEN OUT OF THE GAME THEN LIKE THIS THREAD! THANKS FOR ALL OF THE POST!! DON'T FORGET TO GIVE CROTA A BIG FAT T-BAG!! UPDATE!![/quote] Need two vog hrd
Need 1 more for Hard VoG message Shipmaster3
Need 2 for crota hard mode, need at least one titan for bubble shield.Must have mic. Gt same as above.
[quote]^Thank you for choosing this thread to find your raid group. If by chance you don't have any luck here, try the website above. This thread is for anyone looking to run a normal or hard raid on the 360. GT ghostofnickcage. Clan TheGrayGuardians Titan level 32 Warlock level 32 Hunter level 32 Thanks for all of the post and don't forget, "Show them the meaning of Christmas guardians." IF YOU HATE AIM ASSIST AND THINK IT SHOULD BE TAKEN OUT OF THE GAME THEN LIKE THIS THREAD! THANKS FOR ALL OF THE POST!! DON'T FORGET TO GIVE CROTA A BIG FAT T-BAG!! UPDATE!![/quote] VOG hard need 3. Second checkpoint . Experienced players here. Contact xImLionX
Need 3 for Crota End Hard Crota CP, GT same as above
Edited by MainEventEV: 9/14/2015 4:23:37 AMFresh crotas ends hard i will swordbear starting now gt same message on xbl for an inv
Need 3 for vog hard fresh. Message Warlock Awoken for invite
Croat Hard Fresh Need (4) Be lvl 32+ MSG for invite
I need 1 for nightfall on 360. Message FireEmblem1000 for invite.
[quote]^Thank you for choosing this thread to find your raid group. If by chance you don't have any luck here, try the website above. This thread is for anyone looking to run a normal or hard raid on the 360. GT ghostofnickcage. Clan TheGrayGuardians Titan level 32 Warlock level 32 Hunter level 32 Thanks for all of the post and don't forget, "Show them the meaning of Christmas guardians." IF YOU HATE AIM ASSIST AND THINK IT SHOULD BE TAKEN OUT OF THE GAME THEN LIKE THIS THREAD! THANKS FOR ALL OF THE POST!! DON'T FORGET TO GIVE CROTA A BIG FAT T-BAG!! UPDATE!![/quote] Looking for VoG group hard. Lvl34 experienced warlock here invite xImLionX
[quote]^Thank you for choosing this thread to find your raid group. If by chance you don't have any luck here, try the website above. This thread is for anyone looking to run a normal or hard raid on the 360. GT ghostofnickcage. Clan TheGrayGuardians Titan level 32 Warlock level 32 Hunter level 32 Thanks for all of the post and don't forget, "Show them the meaning of Christmas guardians." IF YOU HATE AIM ASSIST AND THINK IT SHOULD BE TAKEN OUT OF THE GAME THEN LIKE THIS THREAD! THANKS FOR ALL OF THE POST!! DON'T FORGET TO GIVE CROTA A BIG FAT T-BAG!! UPDATE!![/quote] Lvl 34 Warlock looking for VoG hard group. I'm Experienced, GT is xImLionX send invite please
Trying to do Poe 34 I have a mic and know what I'm doing. Get is same as above send an invite
Need fire team for crucible. Reply with mayhem or rift
34 Poe. Two open spots. Message for inv. GT: zacheeus
Crota hard crota checkpoint 2 open spots gt same as above
35 poe last cp at the boss beed two message on xbox live for invite
Looking for 1 for NF no mic just know what you're doing message me for invite GT:Sammysalsa20
Going to start poe 35, need 2 more that know what they're doing. Msg for invite, gt is same.
Looking for 2 for VOG hard atheon cp! Please be good! Message for once!