I am willing to help you out and take you through the VoG.
Completed the raid many times and my first time would not have been possible unless I had essentially a VoG tour guide. I'd like to pay that help forward and make it easier for any first time raiders. I've seen many other posts out there of guys trying to help out, shout out to Azure Zephyr, and such a long list of new raiders. I'm merely adding on to that long list of willing players so any new raiders can have more players to look to for help. Community collaboration is what makes this game so fun.
Mic (I use my iPhone headphones)
You should be at least a level 24 guardian. If you're lower and still want to give the VoG a shot, I will more than gladly help you satisfy your craving. If you're interested, reply with your PSN, level, and guardian type.
I'm planning on starting a raid team today, November 16, 2014 sometime around 2PM/3PM PST. I'll make sure to try to get two raids at least on the weekends, and 1 or 2 during the week.
My PSN is ManicPuppeteer, feel free to add me and shoot me a message.
[ I can respond faster if you send me a private message on here. My PSN app is a little slow and glitchy ]
Also I'll post up updates on any new raids that I'll be running each week. Feel free to come back and check it out or message me.
Still offer this?
Lvl 30 hunter with 2 others who have never done the VoG before, looking for someone to teach them with me Mssg The ROFL NiNjA on X1
Lvl 30 hunter with 2 others who have never done the VoG before, looking for someone to teach them with me Mssg The ROFL NiNjA on X1
Deracluse, lvl 28 warlock. Not sure if you're still doing these but thought I'd give it a shot. I'm on US eastern time. :)
Need Crota cp on normal. Add DeathlokdEaDpool psn
[quote]ManicPuppeteer Edited: Dec 24 at 6:46:11 AM I am willing to help you out and take you through the VoG. Completed the raid many times and my first time would not have been possible unless I had essentially a VoG tour guide. I'd like to pay that help forward and make it easier for any first time raiders. I've seen many other posts out there of guys trying to help out, shout out to Azure Zephyr, and such a long list of new raiders. I'm merely adding on to that long list of willing players so any new raiders can have more players to look to for help. Community collaboration is what makes this game so fun. Requirements: PS4 Mic (I use my iPhone headphones) You should be at least a level 24 guardian. If you're lower and still want to give the VoG a shot, I will more than gladly help you satisfy your craving. If you're interested, reply with your PSN, level, and guardian type. I'm planning on starting a raid team today, November 16, 2014 sometime around 2PM/3PM PST. I'll make sure to try to get two raids at least on the weekends, and 1 or 2 during the week. My PSN is ManicPuppeteer, feel free to add me and shoot me a message. [ I can respond faster if you send me a private message on here. My PSN app is a little slow and glitchy ] Also I'll post up updates on any new raids that I'll be running each week. Feel free to come back and check it out or message me.[/quote] first timer here. need help with vog if possible on PS4. lvl 29 titan psn: rnbkingz
Please help me i am 28 my friend is 39 his friend is 31
Raids are back on for today - VOG normal, VOG hard anyone interested message me. New raiders have priority
Single - 1/11/2025 3:50:26 PM
Call on CL4PY xb1 -
I will be online right now for the next couple hours for anyone interested in raids. running VOG hard mode right now.
Destiny marathon starting Tuesday night 8pm PST until Friday - look for me online and shoot me a message if you're down for any of the below. New raiders who need help - shoot me a message and I'll make you guys a priority. Raids on raids on raids. Strikes Nightfall Dailies Crucible trickshot marathon Sparrow trick riding (bring that Evo tumbler) And anything else that comes to mind
Edited by ManicPuppeteer: 12/16/2014 6:41:37 AMDec 23 - 25th I will be hosting VoG raids for any fresh raiders and old at multiple times throughout the days. It'll be a marathon :D Message me I will also run Crota's end for anyone who is down to form a team - this one I won't be able to walk anyone through as I am yet to beat it ;)
Purplescaryhunk looking for organized raid team, good communication etc. add or msg me thanks
What's up everyone. I haven't been posting much on here lately, been a little AWOL tryna crush it on DLC as I'm sure most of us are. If anyone is still trying to run VoG or even Crota's I will be doing both tonight starting 10pm PST. I will be doing VoG first; then Crotas later probably. (not sure about Crotas yet..trying to get to 31 first) Shoot me a message and I will be down to tear it up.
Do one for 360 I need help there GT Masterbuilder
I'd love to run the VOG start to finish I get halfway and the team never regroups but I'd be up for tonight and this weekend I'm a 29 titan with mic and have done up to the portals before aetheon so I've got idea of tactics
Lvl 29 warlock Psn: OGrenob Would love to do the raid once before dlc
Lvl 29 Titan here with mixed weapons and experience and is grinding to get to lvl 30 add me Xxchopper1100xX ps4 for VOG normal or hard
28 warlock and 27 titan Lfg Vog normal. Add ygniss and psn_sushi
[quote]I am willing to help you out and take you through the VoG. Completed the raid many times and my first time would not have been possible unless I had essentially a VoG tour guide. I'd like to pay that help forward and make it easier for any first time raiders. I've seen many other posts out there of guys trying to help out, shout out to Azure Zephyr, and such a long list of new raiders. I'm merely adding on to that long list of willing players so any new raiders can have more players to look to for help. Community collaboration is what makes this game so fun. Requirements: PS4 Mic (I use my iPhone headphones) You should be at least a level 24 guardian. If you're lower and still want to give the VoG a shot, I will more than gladly help you satisfy your craving. If you're interested, reply with your PSN, level, and guardian type. I'm planning on starting a raid team today, November 16, 2014 sometime around 2PM/3PM PST. I'll make sure to try to get two raids at least on the weekends, and 1 or 2 during the week. My PSN is ManicPuppeteer, feel free to add me and shoot me a message. [ I can respond faster if you send me a private message on here. My PSN app is a little slow and glitchy ] Also I'll post up updates on any new raids that I'll be running each week. Feel free to come back and check it out or message me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are some fellow guardians who are willing to help: Andrew23 (level 30 hunter) Jrchimp1 (all lvl 30 characters)[/quote] 27 titan with mic steezymichael
New to vog Lvl 26 Hunter Psn: Cristopher95
I think I might have a raid today at 5pm PST for anyone who hasn't done it and wants to do it before the Tuesday reset. You'll get to cash in two raids for the week. Message me if interested.
Edited by Jrchimp: 12/1/2014 10:07:39 PMHey if you find your getting more people needing help with the raid than you can run through feel free to use me to help. I love running the raid and I am more than happy to help people through because like you my first time wouldn't have been possible without help . I'm on ps4 my tag is jrchimp1 . I have a lvl 30 of each class so can swap to suit the team going in. Anyone needing help feel free to add me
Edited by ManicPuppeteer: 12/1/2014 6:53:03 PMHey all, Sorry to those I've not been able to help out with the raid these last couple days. I will have a raid dedicated to new raiders at 5pm PST this Wednesday, Dec 3rd. Message me if you're interested. I will a have one raid dedicated to new raiders each week. They will be either Wednesdays or Fridays at 530pm PST. If needed I can also have another group for Wednesday 7:30pm PST I will post on Sundays when the raid time for the week will be Additionally, now that the patch for Templar is up, I'm excited for everyone to try it out the intended way. Should be fun.
Lvl 29 hunter looking for VoG hard gate keepers checkpoint Add me xF-CKINGxStylOx
If there's anyone hiw would like to run the raid for there first time I'm here to help. I've run it a fair few times (30 plus) and without having help on my first time I would of been lost. Ps4 players with mics only please. (Mics are a must) cheers johno7685