Yes Halo was an exclusive but its not like you spent any money on it. However Xbox users pay the same amount and get less out of it. Its a different situation that whole game exclusivity cause you couldn't play Halo but, you didn't pay anything not to play Halo. In this situation xbox users pay full price for the game and dlc's but a chunk of it is missing. Im not upset that I don't have access to this chunk, its distressing cause i payed money so I can not play the chunk. Thats out of the way I don't feel like im missing out on much (other than Hawkmoon) and im happy to pay the money I spent on Destiny even though there is a chunk is missing (And thats only because im still able to enjoy myself without the extra content), Im just saying its understandable and justifiable to be upset by this, cause basically there being riped off. Jease i cant believe no one has said this yet...
People have said it but [b]its not permanent. Let it go already people. [/b]
If you bought a car and it didn't come with a roof... Would you be all like "Ah i don't need to worry the car company said since i picked a green car that costs the exact same amount as a black car that I will get the roof a year later. Totaly not pissed of at having no roof for a year"
Pffft Convertibles are expensive