The strike matchmaking would be nice especially for the Nightfall and Weekly, but it says on a site that the raids are meant for you to get a group together and work together, so in other words its up to you to get raid teams together, I doubt they will add matchmaking for them, it would be nice but they are mean to test your skills and trust in one another.
Now if they added a separate part of the tower you can go to, to find people who want to the raid, just to make it easier to find people that would be nice and it wouldn't be taking away from their original idea for the raid
Wasn't that more or less the idea behind PlayStation home at some point? Meet up with strangers in a social environment to launch a game together without having to add each other as friends each time... that never really took off as planned and I don't really see a secondary tower doing any different
Yea true, but its just an idea, I'd like to see some sort of matchmaking, but I doubt they would imply it
I'm with you on the concept, was just putting that out there as a feature previously attempted...
No yea I hear you no harm done
Matchmaking for raids and the weekly heroic stirke for me is a good idea i'm a bit of a noob when it comes to this so have no clue how to ask for people to join me but i cant do much more with my character than farn strikes and grind rep. The odd raid would be nice