Just a few minutes ago I was lucky enough to get a 3rd Vex Mythoclast from VoG. I don't think I really need 3 of them, I haven't even finished leveling up the 2 I have, and yesterday I got the Pocket Infinity bounty for the 2nd time. I figured that a 2nd Pocket Infinity would be better than a 3rd Mythoclast, and since the Mythoclast is a fusion rifle I figured it would count towards the 10 Rare or better fusion rifles you have to disassemble for the 3rd stage of the bounty chain so I passed it to my Hunter (who had the bounty) and disassembled it. To my surprise it didn't count for the bounty and all I got was some energy and weapon parts.
I'm pretty upset about this, if I'd known it wasn't going to count I would have kept the Mythoclast for novelty's sake. :(
So what? I've had three, kept one, dismantled two! Would someone explain why you would keep the others?