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originally posted in: The Dark Below
11/17/2014 10:17:06 AM
yes xbox had a few other ip's that were decent but halo literally made the xbox i mean just think if bungie had made halo for any other system where hey had halo as an exclusive i.e sony or nintendo the xbox wouldnt have sold no where near as many units cause really other than the original xbox being a nice piece of hardware for its time it had major selling point issues like the mega sized controller that only shaq could use and that you HAD to buy an extra peripheral just to be able to play dvds you cant seriously tell me that the xbox would still be what it is today without halo as for sony getting a little more dlc consider it activision paying all the sony fans back for the "years" of "get it first on xbox" dlc from call of duty fair is fair it's not sony fans fault the ps4 is outselling the xbone 4 to 1 blame microsoft and their horrible e3 press release that sealed everything...and you wonder why the xbox has dropped it's price 150$ in the past year

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