Hello everyone,
I have all the raid weapons exept for the sniper and I can say that among all of them the pulse riffle is the weakest of them all.
The hand canon: pretty awesome, one of the best hand cannons right now (at least for me)
The shotgun: Decent enough.
The fusion rifle: very good one, awesome impact.
The heavy weapons: both rocket and machine gun are very good.
the Scout riffle: Awesome.
Im not sure about the sniper; but I havent heard of anyone complaining.
But when it comes to the pulse riffle, it feels pretty weak, even compared to regular legendaries (I have like other 3 regular ones). It has such low impact that I have to use a full clip to kill the smalles enemies (well actually not that much, but I found myself realoading before killing some enemies a lot).
So, considering most weapons from the raid (the hardest instance of the game so far) are pretty good while not being OP, I would like to see an improveMent in that particuLar weapon.
What do you thinK?
Well pulse rifles in general suck, all pulse rifles should have 36+ in the magazine and no break in firing with overall higher impact. I have used the unusual suspect, super pox VLO and bad seed down and the impact isn't as important as the magazine size, which each burst is a little more than a scout rifle and those can hold up to 29 while you only get 7 bursts out of super pox VLO? Also pulse rifles don't have a reloading break meaning you need the entire reload animation before it reloads while other weapons you can ever so slightly cut short by sprinting. I never even knew there was a VOG pulse rifle... The more you know.