Lokking for someone who is interested in created a fireteam to do raids with regularly both and hard and normal. Send me a message or add me on PSN (Davvej) if you are interested
I'm looking for 4 for normal around 9:30 central time. My friend and I, he's 29 im 30. Mics yes experience yes. I do about 5 runs a week and searching every time gets old. If your up for a 9:30 run. Let me know. Gt kenyx13 Xbone.
I can almost always bring three to the fireteam. Will add when I get home!
Edited by tay: 12/4/2014 10:33:42 PMI have a regular team but am looking for subs/to be a sub, I have three characters and I'm usually looking to raid. Psn same as forum name.
Hey man, sent you a friend request! Im definitely looking for the same thing, and i think we could do it.
[quote]Looking for someone who is interested in created a fireteam to do raids with regularly both and hard and normal on PS4. Send me a message or add me on PSN (Davvej) if you are interested[/quote]
I am interested. Get_fauped PS3
Edited by Bay: 12/4/2014 7:04:29 PMI am looking for this as well! I've only done 5 on normal but I hate having to find a new team each time. I'm not the best at the raid but can hold on my own and follow someone's lead. Looking to play with laid back people, preferably 25 and up. Don't mind younger people too as long as your not babbling nonsense or making noises and shit like that. I have a 29 warlock, 28 Hunter, and 27 Titan. Would be down for at least three normal each week and if we are good enough for hard we can give that a try. GT: bayofblood13 XBOX ONE
I'm always down to play on nights and weekends: PSN name: dirt-
im down - PS4 (gt same as the name). lv.29 titan im on usually after 10pm during the week and on the weekends - send me a friend request or i can add you when i hop on tonight (tonight i will be on around 8pm hopefully)
I was thinking this as well. I play with my buddies regularly but we need some folks to do the raids consistently every week/weekend. Trying to get some cool folks as we're very chill. Not necessarily the beast players we once were in our younger days.
I'm down, my old group has kind of parted ways. Psn is same as here.
I've always wanted to make a proper team, but I've never started one. It depends on when we do the raid, I do it ever Tuesday at 3:45-4:00. If you got that similar time, I'll join.
add me madafakingphilip lvl 28 lock
i have 3 level 29 characters
Level 29 hunter with mic and void weapons only done the raid once so looking for some experience. Usually on about 9pm. Psn misery_motors