[b]...Since the patch, that's [u]not[/u] in the patch notes?[/b]
Patch Notes: http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Update--11172014/en/News/News?aid=12398
So far I've noticed:
-In the tower, vendor's lips move when you are in their item screen.
-Player's connection to game now is shown in the roster page.
-Some armor's icons, better represent what they look like with the default shader equipped.
-Armor stats now show current/max.
-The dead ghost in the Bunker-RAS is now obtainable.
-The dead ghost in Freehold Station is now obtainable.
-Icons for patrol mission beacons are slightly different. As are the icons for collect item missions.
-When you are within 14m of a patrol beacon, it pop-ups the type icon.
-Firefly on my Fatebringer is now even more amazing! BOOM! They now immediately explode!
-Icebreaker's special ability is now the new firefly skill, but works regardless of precision hits.
-Autorifle's firing sound was changed. Madman on a typewriter sound.
-Hive Tomb ships sound like fingernails on a chalkboard now.
-Some inventory sounds have changed.
-When someone is speaking, a chat symbol appears next to their name.
-Removing an item from your Vault no longer prompts for upgrades if they are completed.
-(Apparently not new, but still cool) If you stand idle, you lower your gun slightly. You can also switch between them, walk, and run.
-Upgrades available now show on the top of the screen when turning in bounties.
I'll keep updating this list, let's see what we can find!
Armor stat roles now say how high your discipline intellect and strength will go when fully upgraded.
The inventory icons for materials has changed. Spirit bloom now looks blue, Helium filaments have lost their yellow glow, relic iron has white streaks and spinmetal has blue streaks all over. The icons for vanguard & crucible marks now look like really low-res, badly compressed jpgs.
My favorite is the hive tombship. Imagine hearing that at night...
I used to prank people in saying "shader bitch has new shaders" and now she does!
its not on Xbox 1.... thats all I've noticed.
Killar, is that you?
Are you on playstation?
You'd always lower your weapon if you stood still since release..at least on xb1
Not a big deal at all, but you always lowered your weapon if you idled long enough...
various legendary armor looks more legendary.
Hey, player's connection to game is now shown in the roster page!
Correct me if I'm wrong but have the grenade icons changed......I don't remember them being such a bright blue before
Edited by Aron Beijl: 11/17/2014 9:50:06 PMYeah the tombships really creeped me out, I like the fact they added that. A lot of icons got an overhaul as well (vanguard and crucible marks, reputation, objective markers), plus new shaders available from Eva Levante :)
Circles have been replaced by diamonds
The gun one was always here idk about the rest
DLC 1 items are now viewable in the Destiny DB. http://db.destinytracker.com/inventory/buckets/ They have the roman numeral I on the side. Kind of a neat preview of some of the cool things coming out soon. Also looks like a bunch of the old template items that were in place there are also finished as well (Necrochasm perks now visible, etc).
Also, not sure if this was shared but... Eva Levante is selling three new shaders. And I mean shaders she's never sold before. ThunderDevil BroadSword And... 18327496-64703388
Thunderdevil is for sale for peeps who need it ;)
Achlyophage symbiote, ya know the weird look hunter helm with something growing on your face? Yea the icon looks different.
Thanks for this. Bungie should cut you a paycheck for providing additional patch notes. I don't understand why they wouldn't just document what changed straight away.
Cryptarch is selling legendary engrams!!!
I seem to be finding more materials than I usually do. There was an abundance of Spirit Bloom in several areas when I was on Patrol. Might be wrong, just seemed unusual to see so much.
Cryptarch is selling legendary engrams
I dig the new icon for the skull fort.
http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Update--11172014/en/News/News?aid=12398 Save you the trouble.....