[b]...Since the patch, that's [u]not[/u] in the patch notes?[/b]
Patch Notes: http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Update--11172014/en/News/News?aid=12398
So far I've noticed:
-In the tower, vendor's lips move when you are in their item screen.
-Player's connection to game now is shown in the roster page.
-Some armor's icons, better represent what they look like with the default shader equipped.
-Armor stats now show current/max.
-The dead ghost in the Bunker-RAS is now obtainable.
-The dead ghost in Freehold Station is now obtainable.
-Icons for patrol mission beacons are slightly different. As are the icons for collect item missions.
-When you are within 14m of a patrol beacon, it pop-ups the type icon.
-Firefly on my Fatebringer is now even more amazing! BOOM! They now immediately explode!
-Icebreaker's special ability is now the new firefly skill, but works regardless of precision hits.
-Autorifle's firing sound was changed. Madman on a typewriter sound.
-Hive Tomb ships sound like fingernails on a chalkboard now.
-Some inventory sounds have changed.
-When someone is speaking, a chat symbol appears next to their name.
-Removing an item from your Vault no longer prompts for upgrades if they are completed.
-(Apparently not new, but still cool) If you stand idle, you lower your gun slightly. You can also switch between them, walk, and run.
-Upgrades available now show on the top of the screen when turning in bounties.
I'll keep updating this list, let's see what we can find!
http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Update--11172014/en/News/News?aid=12398 Save you the trouble.....
Guns already lowered when idle pre-patch.
Updated list, gun lowers when idle.
Thorn Dot reduced from 7 to 3
A big ol' tasty serving of WTF brought to you by a Thorn nerf implemented BEFORE the promised buff. I'm disappointed but I can hardly register it because of how much I'm laughing. haha
When youre doing patrol and get close to a beacon it shows you the symbol without having to get dinklebot out.
Not at home Atm but the companion app shows the cryptarch selling 2 legendaries 2 rares only 1 uncommon and no commons!
Update? I ain't got one :(
Grim Citizen sounds completely different (For the better, imo), Different icon for Sunbreaker Gauntlets, Sepkis Primes void effects appear to have been improved
Guys, guys! Firefly is now fuggin amazing! Dudes immediately explode now!
Patrol missions. kill stuff missions icon changed go here take pictures icon still same.
The armor and some things in inventory are fancier.
New shaders available from the Guardian outfitter, new icons for some gear and extra 5 bounty slots so far.
Thanks for the stuff guys. Keep em coming!
So I noticed that the maximum Heavy Ammo capacity has decreased after today's patch. With my Titan having two armor pieces with extra Heavy Ammo, it used to stack. I have the Armamentarium with Raid Boots. I used to be able to carry 146 rounds for my "Swarm" but now I can only carry 109 rounds. Same thing for the Gjallahorn, I used to be able to carry 8 rockets and now it's only 7. Don't know whether if it's intentional that extra Heavy Ammo no longer stacks, or if it's just a glitch
Some gun sounds seem to have been altered.
Nothing I still haven't gotten an update
Titan exotic gloves icon is new.
Edited by Turrican14: 11/17/2014 6:46:51 PM10 bounty slots Maximum stats a piece of armour can be upgraded to is shown on the item now Vendor selling more cool shaders Emblems are previewed before purchase Faction progress is now a diamond rather than circle
Edited by SCREEAMING_SNAKE: 11/17/2014 6:44:56 PMBounty slots increased to 10 Edit: just realised you said not in the notes...
Bounty slots increased to 10