[b]...Since the patch, that's [u]not[/u] in the patch notes?[/b]
Patch Notes: http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Update--11172014/en/News/News?aid=12398
So far I've noticed:
-In the tower, vendor's lips move when you are in their item screen.
-Player's connection to game now is shown in the roster page.
-Some armor's icons, better represent what they look like with the default shader equipped.
-Armor stats now show current/max.
-The dead ghost in the Bunker-RAS is now obtainable.
-The dead ghost in Freehold Station is now obtainable.
-Icons for patrol mission beacons are slightly different. As are the icons for collect item missions.
-When you are within 14m of a patrol beacon, it pop-ups the type icon.
-Firefly on my Fatebringer is now even more amazing! BOOM! They now immediately explode!
-Icebreaker's special ability is now the new firefly skill, but works regardless of precision hits.
-Autorifle's firing sound was changed. Madman on a typewriter sound.
-Hive Tomb ships sound like fingernails on a chalkboard now.
-Some inventory sounds have changed.
-When someone is speaking, a chat symbol appears next to their name.
-Removing an item from your Vault no longer prompts for upgrades if they are completed.
-(Apparently not new, but still cool) If you stand idle, you lower your gun slightly. You can also switch between them, walk, and run.
-Upgrades available now show on the top of the screen when turning in bounties.
I'll keep updating this list, let's see what we can find!
Bad seed down now sounds like a pop gun... Nightfall was definitely harder, guns less effective without arc elemental damage. Icebreaker was useless even on mooks. Lotsa New icons. Interesting people have mentioned the graphics - I thought it was brighter in places (almost dazzling through clouds etc) definitely something has changed with the lighting.
Diamond shaped faction ranks, different symbols for vanguard/crucible marks in the start menu, timepiece is still worthless
Why are hand cannons weaker in PvE? I loved 1 shotting dreg and 2 shotting vandals... :'(
[quote]-Removing an item from your Vault no longer prompts for upgrades if they are completed. [/quote] Thank the stars above!!!! I also noticed the directional arrow on the HUD is not solid anymore... more like an outline.. I HATE IT. I much prefer the solid triangle. On the plus side, you can now use an ammo synth on the space ride in. This is very helpful to me during raids because I always take the sync plate up on the far right hill, so I like to be on my scooter the second my feet hit the ground and I hated having to stand there and dick around with the inventory just to load up my rocket launcher.
I'm the true thatguy
Atheon's Epilogue does 78 crit instead of 100.
They blocked access to under the stairs where you could kill the archon priest without him hurting you... That's what made the weekly harder...
BOAR wasn't in the patch notes....
Some exotics have been "unintentionally" nerfed
Yeah, my hand cannon does less than half the crit damage it used to. #wtf
Atheon now has a post game carnage screen.
Thanks for info, plus to everyone else contributing to this thread. Some stuff I hadn't realized, like now I can finally get those damn ghosts lol
Edited by SamboBaggins91: 11/18/2014 4:02:04 PMI've seen a few people complaining about Bungie giving out "useless sparrows," but consider this for a moment. There have been a lot of rumors about the new raid in The Dark Below having a part where guardians have to outrun an ogre on their sparrows. The new sparrows are only available to people who purchased The Dark Below expansion. Why would Bungie give out new sparrows to those people? Because the rumors are true! At least in part. Guardians, I think we're gonna need those sparrows in the new raid. I bet you 25,000 glimmer! With their upgraded abilities and speed, they'd be perfect for outrunning ogres! Are you excited for the new raid? I was before, but this discovery made me even more so!
I've noticed I'm still quite rubbish...ffs
I noticed a change in the weather. It seems that there is now fog that can roll in occasionally. Is that new, or just new to me?
[quote]-Removing an item from your Vault no longer prompts for upgrades if they are available. [/quote] As someone with three characters, thank God.
Either players finally figured out how to use shotguns or bladedancer's defense has been nerfed.
I like the new emblems I can now notice when my grenades are ready
Most exotics broken and I don't expect a fix this week based on this Bungie Twitter post: https://twitter.com/Bungie/status/534436243396771840 I quote "If you're noticing Exotics behaving differently, the changes are unintentional. The Weekly Update will cover incoming Exotic tuning." Considering DA Inquisition, GTA5, and Far Cry 4 are out today, its like they want you to quit playing. Yeah, the exotics are "behaving differently". Attention Bungie: The first rule you should follow when patching a game is to not screw the game up more than what the patch will fix. The second rule to follow is to do something I call "testing" on the patch. The other possibility is this was intentional (I hope not). Sigh.
Anyone notice a hatch on the ground next to the cryptarch? Is this new or just new to me?
I Can't remember those mountains being the background in the event area nor the fog and yellow light over the shanty town under the traveller. Also get impression that detail has been increased in tower on walls etc. maybe. xbox 360.
Don't forget the stealth nerf to nearly every Exotic/Raid/and some Legendary items, that Bungie lied about saying it was "unintentional"
Edited by Omnitron310: 11/18/2014 2:57:39 PMI love the new Hive ship noise. So eerie and cool. It sounds like their ships literally tear a hole in the universe to get around.
We switched fire team leaders on the nightfall and had a guy rejoin, the nightfall ended and we had to restart
I just played on rusted lands and hive drop ships spawn occasionally and sound terrifying