[b]...Since the patch, that's [u]not[/u] in the patch notes?[/b]
Patch Notes: http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Update--11172014/en/News/News?aid=12398
So far I've noticed:
-In the tower, vendor's lips move when you are in their item screen.
-Player's connection to game now is shown in the roster page.
-Some armor's icons, better represent what they look like with the default shader equipped.
-Armor stats now show current/max.
-The dead ghost in the Bunker-RAS is now obtainable.
-The dead ghost in Freehold Station is now obtainable.
-Icons for patrol mission beacons are slightly different. As are the icons for collect item missions.
-When you are within 14m of a patrol beacon, it pop-ups the type icon.
-Firefly on my Fatebringer is now even more amazing! BOOM! They now immediately explode!
-Icebreaker's special ability is now the new firefly skill, but works regardless of precision hits.
-Autorifle's firing sound was changed. Madman on a typewriter sound.
-Hive Tomb ships sound like fingernails on a chalkboard now.
-Some inventory sounds have changed.
-When someone is speaking, a chat symbol appears next to their name.
-Removing an item from your Vault no longer prompts for upgrades if they are completed.
-(Apparently not new, but still cool) If you stand idle, you lower your gun slightly. You can also switch between them, walk, and run.
-Upgrades available now show on the top of the screen when turning in bounties.
I'll keep updating this list, let's see what we can find!
I've noticed it doesn't work :-(
Same. Plus you now have another symbol when someone needs reviving for some reason. Also, the shape of the symbol the crypt arch uses to show progress to next level has changed from circular to a diamond I think
well my birth of history ship is missing pieces of it, and the iron banner logo is gone. so i guess i gotta hit rank 5 to fix it, hopefully.
Edited by kklathan8613: 11/18/2014 5:00:44 AMI just got Rope to Heaven ship plans from a vanguard bounty. The multi kill fusion rifle one. Whadafuq. *edit And no, it was not a rank up gift box. I turned in the bounty and BANG the ship plans just poped up
Nice thread, thanks!
No more infinite revive warlock glitch :( o well....
I can still Sparrow Surf & Stunt. I'm happy with the update.
I have noticed ps3 is shit and I can't sign in
I have noticed on Rusted Lands, there are freaky noises, haha. O.o
Titan Insormountable skullfort helmet had a different icon
Weekly was a lot harder. Still doable, but noticeably tougher. Especially the damned captains at the end.
Things are actually starting to look up now. It's not much but it's the little things that count.
I've noticed that I've been lagging this entire time in the crucible.
gauntlet's increased reload speed of special weapon stop working, tested on g.hezenlord&sunbreakers
What is interesting is that there was a bit of chatter about the Companion App showing the Cryptarch selling R/L/E Engrams, earlier. Now, at least for me, the Tower Map and Advisors are both offline. Seems a little too much of a coincidence, honestly. Perhaps this is what DeeJ meant by dropping hints about changes coming to the Cryptarch - specifically "still being a bit of a bastard"? Would make sense, if he was implying that the conversion rates were not changing, but he would be adding items that could be purchased to roll more frequently. If that is the case, though, I hope that none of them are "cheap". Full glimmer cap of 25k for an Exotic, 15k for a Legendary, and 5k for a Rare "feel" right. Otherwise, people would just bitch about not "earning" those, either.
It might be because I expected things to be different, and haven't played in 2 days... But I feel like I run faster in The Tower now.
I've noticed I can no longer play destiny, Iron Banner clock is ticking and all I have is... The -blam!-ing Boar code to look at
I noticed how much less of a badass I feel now that enemies have more health. At least borderlands gave you guns that felt powerful and did damage. Doesn't make sense that a Lvl 29 can't one shot a Lvl 11. If it was vice versa we don't even do damage to them.
Lol at the doofuses who say something that was in the patch notes.
Done 22 weekly again just to see how it was now that they blocked off the underneath of the platform ... 2 lvl 30's and a 29 ... enemies at 22 took forever to take down with all 300 weapons ... I'm guessing this is more about Zur than the exploits though. A bunch of people complaining non-stop about how easy strange coins are to come by and that exotics are not rare enough so they make weekly heroics and nightfall harder to do. I'm fine with fixing the exploits but a lvl 22 taking so much of my time is annoying. instead they should have just made nightfalls level 30 and made it were you only get 6 strange coins for a 28 weekly heroic, took out the lowest level one, then added a 30 for the 9 strange coins. Then increase the number of gold enemies in the LvL 30's. At least this way it makes sense that an enemy is taking so much damage. I am the players who do alot of the complaing about the weekly heroics and nightfalls don't have a fireteam to complete. Doing this would make the coins and exotics harder to get while also not giving any advantage to people who complain now cause they are not getting 3 of each completed every week.
Idk if they buffed the enemies in nightfall, but p&t with one damage upgrade used to shrek. However, now it takes way more shots to take down enemies. Also from what I've seen the suros does less damage in ranges it used to do more in. Idk maybe it's just me but I feel like they nerfed it. Not complaining, but just sharing my observations.
Pocket Infinity fires slower on full auto.
Warlock self revive glitch fixed
That we have a really similar name
There is a massive drop in frame rate in the tower on XB1!! someone with a good eye please confirm!!