[b]...Since the patch, that's [u]not[/u] in the patch notes?[/b]
Patch Notes: http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Update--11172014/en/News/News?aid=12398
So far I've noticed:
-In the tower, vendor's lips move when you are in their item screen.
-Player's connection to game now is shown in the roster page.
-Some armor's icons, better represent what they look like with the default shader equipped.
-Armor stats now show current/max.
-The dead ghost in the Bunker-RAS is now obtainable.
-The dead ghost in Freehold Station is now obtainable.
-Icons for patrol mission beacons are slightly different. As are the icons for collect item missions.
-When you are within 14m of a patrol beacon, it pop-ups the type icon.
-Firefly on my Fatebringer is now even more amazing! BOOM! They now immediately explode!
-Icebreaker's special ability is now the new firefly skill, but works regardless of precision hits.
-Autorifle's firing sound was changed. Madman on a typewriter sound.
-Hive Tomb ships sound like fingernails on a chalkboard now.
-Some inventory sounds have changed.
-When someone is speaking, a chat symbol appears next to their name.
-Removing an item from your Vault no longer prompts for upgrades if they are completed.
-(Apparently not new, but still cool) If you stand idle, you lower your gun slightly. You can also switch between them, walk, and run.
-Upgrades available now show on the top of the screen when turning in bounties.
I'll keep updating this list, let's see what we can find!
Good thing I nearly maxed out icebreaker, now I don't need dang praedeths revenge
I notice there is constant lag on the game everywhere now on XBOne. Does anyone else have this problem?
Edited by Blade Dancer: 11/18/2014 3:02:47 AMThanks alot you noobs for ruining thorn and not saying a damn word about Suros Regime ,,l,, -_- ,,l,, All it needed was a slight increase to Reload & DoT >_>
Haha thorn was stupid anyways
You can purchase ten bounties now!
Exotic armor seems to be affected by your shader now. This is a good update.
Half these things were listed in the patch notes. You people don't read
Icebreaker blowing people up was pretty cool, must admit
Vision of confluence isnt firingh in full auto is constantly stops like I took my finger of the trigger. Its totally random how many bullets it will continuously fire too. Sometimes 16 then stop. Sometimes 9 then stop. Some 3 then stop etc...
Some of the flags in Control are in different areas.
Is it my imagination or us the weekly @ 28 like stupid harder. I'm trying to solo it and I actually had to stop and check I had my lvl 30 gear on...
Soloing strikes is now a lot harder. Why bungie, it's not like they were easy to solo before, not for me anyway.
The biggest thing I noticed was how bright and colorful certain things are now. I had to turn my brightness down from a 6 to a 3. Certain things have a lot more color i.e. The crashed ship in the cosmodrome. I also got 4 blue engrams within 10 minutes of patrolling the cosmodrome, from mobs and chests(which there are a ton more of and easier to hear). I think the drop rate is for a limited time to convince you you'll be getting more stuff. I know that sounds crazy but last time they buffed drops, I had tons of blues and several purples, since that day no legendaries and just as few. Time will tell whether or not drop rate has increased. I also noticed a vandal major I was fighting had different looking knives, that could be because of the color/brightness alterations. And for that matter I fought 3 Fallon majors in 15 min in the first section of the cosmodrome and I've never noticed any there before. I only played for 15 min and that's what I noticed.
New revived icon! Kinda cool.
Is it true that the fatebringer got nerfed?
I like the 30 frame rate drop that noone told us about
Edited by Nasdaq401: 11/18/2014 3:22:08 AMThat they broke the Xbox one version and it's atrocious to even play now. It's like playing on a with these framerates. Far cry till they fix this shit!
Why the hell would you nerf thorn before buffing it! It was only crap before by people who couldn't use it. Now it's starting to be crap
Base movement speed has been decreased... You can especially notice when you equip a launcher...
maximum amount of rockets went down to 7 from 8
Burnie must have thought the XB1 frame rate was too good so the dropped it Down to 15fps in the new update
Pocket infinity has way better sights and maybe a boost to auto aim?
Every hand cannon (not just exotics) got a 33% nerf.
The framerate on XB1 is horrible.
Edited by ii PitoEmmGee: 11/18/2014 3:14:49 AMIn crucible at the end of the match in the game summary you sometimes hear "heavy ammo available" If I make it to the end, now that all I get is bee
And , did Suros get nerfed?