We are recruiting new members in the our recently started clan of Atli for PSN (mostly PS4). All veterans, active duty, and retired military are welcome to apply. We prefer combat veterans, and US Marine/Navy personnel due to Atli being founded by former and present Marines and Sailors. As stated though, all veterans are welcome and encouraged to apply.
We will be approving as WE see fit, and will play one (if not more) round of the applicants choosing (PVE and/or PVP) prior to acceptance. Please realize that this is not to be offensive, but to make sure that we are a close knitted clan that corresponds, collaborates, and has high camaraderie. (If we know you, you SHOULD be automatically approved.) Please know that our clan could (and most likely will) have "Adult" language because we are a bunch of foul mouthed veterans. (You have been warned)
(When applying, please include;
-your name
-PSN account ID
-system you play on
-a brief summary of your military career (DO NOT INCLUDE RANK OR PAY GRADE)
-and preferred game play style (ie PVP/PVE/All)
For example:
-Richard Bennett, PSN:
-PS4 and PS3
-Served in the USMC from 2005-2013, two tours to Iraq, AAV operator (1833), honorably discharged.
-All game play preferred
Note: DO NOT FALSIFY MILITARY CAREER!!! If anyone is found to be falsifying military background they will not be approved, kicked from the clan, and/or possibly even reported to authorities for violation of the Stolen Valor Act. Please give the fallen and wounded veterans the honor and respect they have earned and deserve.
(Basically... Don't be a douche)
We look forward to seeing you in Atli
"Be Violent, Be Wild, Be Without Mercy"
Eric Strand erakis1 PS4 Army Special Forces, 1999-2013, 3 tours to Iraq (2003-2008) PvE, Raiding