originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
Are you saving your Strange Coins for the expansion? Is the a specific weapon or armor piece you are saving for.
Personally, I am looking forward to the new scout rife. The new auto (nechrochasm) has the high fire rate which is a turn off. Much like the hex caster or dr nope.
Probably mostly saving at this point unless Icebreaker pops up. I'm covered on weapons for the most part now.
Not purposefully saving them, but i have a few weeks worth saved up due to nothing I want from Xur.
Funny.... I love Dr Nope from the moment I first tried it... I'll use that over exotics cause its enjoyable to use....
I will be saving at this point most of my coins. May consider using them if gallajhorn pops up again :)
I am doing both. Just want Icebreaker and a sparrow color drive. If Xur has sniper before expansion great! If not all the rest of my coins will be saved.
I haven't been saving them really, but having 108 people would say I am. But I have all but 1 exotic