something interesting regardibgg enemy behavior:
I was soloing nightfall as i do 99% of time, def felt harder to break shields with ice breaker. got to archon priest and a dreg popped out and ontbshotted me.
i self revive and RIGHT WHEN I DO, he was waiting for me and slashes me almost half a second after i self rez
this has never ever happened to me before, and usually the self revive gives me a window of opportunity to do stuff like run away, or revive others.
he hit me so fast as in i didnt even go into first person view.
correct ne if i am wrong if this happened to other people. if this is an enemy "buff" i really cant reply in self res when enemy melees me now
"The Fallen are getting smarter!" I guess Dinklebot already explained this to us... Vandal: Remember guys, if you see a metro dude running around in a trench coat tossing mini suns everywhere, CAMP THE CRAP OUTA HIM IF AND WHEN WE KILL HIM! Too many have died to these fools! We'll show them!
this is great
its the stupid Lightswitch Mod, makes melee's more monstrous
I wouldn't think this was anything new, since my ghost gets camped by mobs all of the time. They even run back and forth across it and shoot it while I wait for a revive.
That has happened to me on several occasions before. It sucks :-)
Happened to my buddy the other day. He self rezzed then insta died. Said he has no clue what killed him especially that fast
this happened to my friend last week when the weekly changed. He got killed despite the self-res , similar to what you describe. He wasn't happy about it & he was also grumpy about the ridiculous shields. He was taking me through for the 9 coins , so I was just doing what I could as I barely had possession of a purple primary at the time.
yeah its just bad timing i think. also sometimes the enemies step back when ubself res but when they are super close they inmediately slice u.
Self-revive never grants you any safety, it has been like that day one.
thanks a bunch i think it was just my first experience haha. I been soloing nightfall sic e my 3rd one and i guess i got lucky
I have always done it with a team. Yesterday I was doing the Archon Priest one because I was getting fusion rifle kills for Pocket Infinity bounty. And a vandal got me with melee as well. I managed to run away, but got hit by sniper fire before I could retreat to safety. Luckily I had already done it for the week, I was just 5 kills short of the bounty :)
Light Switch is on the night fall. So that is why the one shot. And ya, they are wicket to respond now
yea i get the light switch part but the response is what got me lol