Done 22 weekly again just to see how it was now that they blocked off the underneath of the platform ... 2 lvl 30's and a 29 ... enemies at 22 took forever to take down with all 300 weapons ...
I'm guessing this is more about Zur than the exploits though. A bunch of people complaining non-stop about how easy strange coins are to come by and that exotics are not rare enough so they make weekly heroics and nightfall harder to do. I'm fine with fixing the exploits but a lvl 22 taking so much of my time is annoying. instead they should have just made nightfalls level 30 and made it were you only get 6 strange coins for a 28 weekly heroic, took out the lowest level one, then added a 30 for the 9 strange coins. Then increase the number of gold enemies in the LvL 30's. At least this way it makes sense that an enemy is taking so much damage. I am the players who do alot of the complaing about the weekly heroics and nightfalls don't have a fireteam to complete. Doing this would make the coins and exotics harder to get while also not giving any advantage to people who complain now cause they are not getting 3 of each completed every week.
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