Here's an idea SHUT THE -blam!- UP AND STOP BITCHING! Soooooo sick of you ducking crybabies!! Wish bungie would read this shit and bann all you sorry -blam!-s for conplaining!!!! OMFG
There are some problems with your post. You should have used a comma between idea and SHUT. The index finger is for F. What is a Wish Bungie? Ban has one N. I believe you were looking for the word complaining. You should really take a deep breath and calm down before ape smashing the keyboard. It makes you look even worse than you already did for not paying attention to the hashtags.
Lol really?!?
Yes. Really.
i wish you would recognize a troll post when you see one you fool.
*ZOOOOOOOOOOOOM* That one flew over your head.
Bahahahaha! XD Read the rest of the.......ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE HASHTAGS. lawl
The satire tag is just as annoying (if not more so) than the actual complaining.
Lol you still bumped. Also, if satirical writing wasn't funny or popular,why is the onion newspaper a thing?
The Onion is a thing because it's not just the same -blam!-ing story/ complaint EVERY GODAMN WEEK. When people buy the onion, they know what to expect and they go out of their way to read it. This is a public forum, a completely different median, where many people have creative liscence. Trolling/satire about the same topic is not creative, nor is it expressing any new opinion or information. People read the Onion FOR satire, people visit the forums to discuss.
Lel *medium, not median.
No, i'm an extra large bro, like my burger and fries.
Diet coke I hope?
Got to watch my figure. Otherwise I might put on weight and not fit in my Suburban.
I help out my friends who race by sitting in their cars. It adjusts their cars' cambers